
I saw Phanoo's article on how to make your save games un-hackable, and I think I know an easier way, without using any extensions... here's how:

I suppose many of you already saw, that with the Save and Load system made by Monkey ..... sorry, I don't know the full name of the company(or should I call them, group), you can edit the savegame files, cause it puts them in, in a very silly way like:

POSX:=(position X of your character)
POSY:=(postion Y of your character)
GL1:=(Global value 1)
... till GL15(GL16 is used by the engine)
S1:=(Score for Player 1)
L1:=(Life for Player 1)

This way you only edit the savegames and replace the values, so you can get yourself a life of 5.000.000 without using any cheat code... If you don't want this happen to your game, edit the Save and Load system(or make a new one), and make that when the system sets the L1(for example) save it like:

Set L1 to:
Life of Player 1 x 23456(random !!!plural!!! number1) + 123123124324(random number2, i've used now a plural number, but if you can use one, not plural.)

This way, for example if your Life was 50 the engine will put to L1: 123124297124. (You can use bigger numbers too, but it's not necessary.

Now, edit the engine once again, and put in, that when the engine loads in, in the game the Life of Player 1, make:
Set Life of Player one to:
Value of L1 - 123123124324(the second random number) / 23456(the first random number)

This way if you know maths you will get:

123124297124 - 123123124324 = 1172800

then 1172800 / 23456 is equal with 50, and voaila, your life will be once again 50.

If you use random numbers(not the ones I gave) noone will know how to decode it(unless he has the open source of the program), so this way, you can make your game safe, and cheat free!

Hope I helped with this article! Have a nice day!
