Masking your movement is one of the most effective ways of hiding smaller glitches and making your game feel more profesional. It's also ridiculously easy so I figured I'd share my technique, and hopefully you'll find it as useful as I have.

To start with you obviously need a moving object.
We'll call this 'TARGET'.
Then you need a mask to smoothly cover up the target.
This will be called 'MASK'

Basically you want MASK to find how far it is from TARGET and move a set percentage of the distance towards TARGET. Instead of using trig, simple XY events do the trick here.

Set MASK Xposition to...

( MASK_Xpos + ( ( TARGET_Xpos - MASK_Xpos ) / 10 ) )

The number 10 can be changed to whatever suits the purpose (The larger the number the more smoothing). For the Y position just change all the X's into Y's and thats about it. Because MMF doesn't support decimals the MASK may be a little off in the higher levels of smoothing but there are easy ways arount this. If you need to know just shout out and I'll be glad to explain.
This is a little demonstration of what I'm talking about.
It doesn't just apply to mouse controlled movement however, I've used this to clean up anything from platformers to racing games. I also had to make it in Construct because MMF wont run on my computer.