Lively Playfeilds
Author: | Rio
Submitted: | 29th December, 2002
Views: | 4795
| Rated: |
Certainly There are many things to take into consideration when making a good game. But one thing i havent seen any one touch on yet is how to make big areas or playfeilds not dull and repetative. One instance is... say you have a grass feild 10 times the sise of your game window. One thing to do would be randomly place patches of dirt, patches of overgrown grass, some flowers, small rocks to big rocks, or anything you can think of. This will give this open area more of a personality and make it differ from the rest of the grass feilds in your game. In side view games. I sugjest different floors in different plases or putting diferent things in the backround. And last of all a good idea is to have a sence of wear and tear in places. Like random rust spots on metal. cracks holes or bends in wool. And to finish up, active things of that sort, dripping water, making the flowers wave in the air. Little details like this are endless.
Registered 29/12/2002
Points 490