Taking Criticism
Author: | Floyd
Submitted: | 27th February, 2003
Views: | 4417
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One thing that's struck me is how offended game creators who have posted their games on TDC get at downloaders comments. I used to be VERY BAD at taking criticism, even if it was constructive (in the days when I was submitting my RPGMaker2000 games). This is an article on how to deal with the criticism your game recieves...
The first thing to remember is that what you've gone through whilst making the game doesn't matter to the consumer at all. They couldn't care less if your computer crashed and you lost your RPG worldmap library, if they don't like the tileset you've rushed in to replace the much better first one, they'll tell you, and saying your computer crashed will be regarded by the player as a bad excuse.
Criticism, no matter how harsh it may seem, is an essential form of feedback. Criticism is as important as someone informing you of a bug in the game. Every bit of feedback should be taken into account and worked upon, provided it's a reasonable request (eg. "I thought the car was a bit slow compared to the others"), this should prompt you to review your car movement engine and tweak it a little if necessary.
OK, that's all, sort of a rant and article, but learn to be greatfull for criticism, it will come in handy as a reference for future games you might want to make.
Registered 19/02/2003
Points 107