secrets, easter eggs, and surprizes.
Author: | Rio
Submitted: | 11th March, 2003
Views: | 5665
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Secrets, Easter Egg's, And Surprizes
so far I havent seen to many of theas things in ann click game. And I find this kind of dissapointing. This artical is to show you some small things to make your games a little more interesting.
little secrets in games are alittle more common than easter eggs or surprizes. But they can also be very helpfull and will give you a reason to make a game guide or play book or whatever you want to call it. Secret can range from hidden cut scene to lots off hidden dinerey... hidden enemyes or even mini games. Most commonly in games its secret Items and money.
The placement of these hidden secrets can be the hardest thing to do. It can easaly be too hard to find, or so easy to find that people think its not even suppose to be secret. Take a wall for instanc. Say you have the secret stash of one million yen in a room behind the wall. It depends on the game you make, how hard it is to find the door leading to this room. If it looks like evory other wall no one will ever find it. If it had a crack or small edge lines some people might think somthing of it. Another aproach is to make it not noticable at all, but leav information leading to it, such as in harvest moon 64 where you find a mape with directions and distanses to a buried music box. Another good hidding place is to place the secret inside one of many of the same thing. Like if you have five or six blue jars in a room, you could have just one of them be the resting place of a secret item or somthing. And another and very different aproach is to use combinations and such. Say there is a field with three rocks, each one a different size. And there happens to be three grass cleared patches on the ground somwhere els in the field. you can pick up and drop these rocks in any place you want, including on the patches. So you put each rock on a patch... nothing happens. Yet you remember earlyer seeing scratched in a stone the words "med,big,small". So you put the rocks in just this order and BAM! you got yourfelf a new pair of shews. And there are many other ways of having conceiled items and such in your games.
-Easter Eggs-
easter eggs are just a small glimps of onother game or of somones name placed inside your game. A good example of this is zelda a link to the past. In one of the houses in the villige there is a small picture of mario. Or in zelda ocarina of time, during the castal court room scene if you look inside one of the windows to the sides you can see pictures from a mario game again... the first easter egg was in the atari classic "Adventure" it included nothing els but the creators name. Easter eggs have no limit to what they are, exep if you have one in your game you may want to keep it small and not stick out too much. most commonly it a picture or frase from another game. A good Idea is if your going to add one in your game. make it related to another of your games. Mabey it could be a gimps into a future game you dont want too much attention on. or have it be somthing about you or your friends or of the Daily Click. Its up to you realy. How easy or hard it is to find your easter egg is up to you also. Since its not realy part of the game or is related to the game, it doesent need to be as hard to find as other things in your game.
Another way of this is having it in code. Like say you need to open a gate using some magic worde enscribed on the gate its self, But its in an antient language. Later in the game one you get the book to desipher it's encryption, You could hav a small stone in the middle of a forest with alittle more of this antient sintax. Once the translator book is obtained this small stone reveils your easter egg. Or use backwords talk like in FF1 for the NES where the witch says "hsup b tceles" which reads "push B select". Or make up your own.
well to be honest and you might have already figured. Surprizs could be just anything. Like if your chericter chops down a certain tree it reveils a passage to the end of the game. Or if you have a chericter with a shouvel he could dig up secrets and items and surprizing things anywhere. Or even if he dig un one certain spot on the map the ground fell away into a black pit thet devowers the entire earth... or you could just do whatever you want.
well thats it for my artical. Tell me what you think. If I'm wrong about somthing or you just want to make fun of my second grade spelling level. Hope it was insitful and helpfull. Thanks for reading it.
Registered 29/12/2002
Points 490