Very easy way to make a fake barcode with Photoshop
Author: | X-Member4871
Submitted: | 16th June, 2003
Views: | 7412
| Rated: |
Hi again, I wanted to post this not very long and not very hard way to make fake barcodes with Photoshop, so here it goes, this is very easy so don't worry.
First from "File/New" start your size of your barcode. I would recommend a small size cause when it's longer or bigger it doesn't look like a barcode that much. Select under "Contents" check White so that the background color would be white.
Ok, first do these, select from the menu bar "Filter/Noise" select "Add Noise", then do these adjustments.
-Make the amount 400%.
-Check the Gaussian selection.
-Finally don't forget to check the Monochromatic selection.
It won't look like a barcode but be patient
Later from "Filter/Blur" select "Motion Blur" and do these adjustments:
-Make the angle 90
-Make the distance 999
You'll see the barcode now. If you want to change some stuff,under from "Image/Adjust(Adjustment)" you can change the effects of the layers with playing with some options. So that you can make it look as similar to an original Barcode.
Have fun, and thanks again for reading
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