Creating a good tutorial.
Author: | Lew
Submitted: | 17th February, 2002
Views: | 5304
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<p>1. The main thing when making a tutorial is that it should be clear. You are trying to teach someone how to do something, and if its not clear you will just end up confusing people. <p>2. If its a game file tut, the main thing you need is COMMENTS. You need comments, even for the simplest of things. You dont want to download a tutorial file just to find you dont understand, do you? No. Thought not.
<p>3. Include pictures (if necessary). If you are making a hard-to-understand tut, try making a simple graphical example. Take <a href="">Anthony's Article</a> on'Creating an association between two objects.' The very simple picture there simplifies the tut greatly.
Lol, this is my first Article, so dont dis it!
Registered 06/01/2002
Points 1014