Yes, I wanna see how many DOESN'T smoke AND drink alcolhol.
(I am an abstainer too)
Beware, be alert, prepare to defend yourself, or just run for your lives(!), because
JarmoNator has entered the building... (see avatar)
that dark human beast is almost unstoppable, invincible and totally gone CRAZY!
Big up all the abdantanfantasticalitasionalisms in the house
"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G
I do neither, but not because I'm an abstainer. I don't smoke because it's bad for you and I don't think I'd have the willpower to quit. Knowing your own limits after all is a persons greatest strength. (Or is it?) I don't drink because of a heriditarily narrow-ducted pancreas that makes me extremely susceptable to pancreatitis which is one of the most painful deseases out there, and happens to be triggered by alchohol. Thus, no drink in one and a half years, no cigarettes ever.
Why the hell am I on the computer at 1 in the morning? No, don't answer.
Being an abstainer or straight edge or any other think like that is just a pretty pathetic way for youths to be cool and non-conformist, while actually inadvertantly conforming to a group. I have absolutely no problem with people not smoking or drinking, but if they're doing it for the sake of calling themselves an asbstainer or something, then I do have a problem.
Anyways Pete, I don't drink to excess every day, or even every other day. Shit, with my wage at the moment after car deductions I can barely afford once a week.
"I like my lungs and brain cells." Great line! I'm an abstainer, too. People just don't see how incredibly destructive tobacco and alcohol could be. I'm kinda curious about who first started smoking. "Hey you! Put this plant in your mouth, light it on fire, and inhale the fumes. C'mon! It's fun!"
"Omg. Where did they get the idea to not use army guys? Are they taking drugs?" --Tim Schafer on originality in videogames