Posted By
Weston L
Registered 16/12/2002
Points 1603
2nd December, 2004 at 19:08:01 -
Why is bringing back old posts frowned upon in the community? Also, some people say to "search the forums before you ask". These two ideas kind of contradict each other, don't they?
Radix hot for teacher
Registered 01/10/2003
Points 3139
2nd December, 2004 at 20:06:49 -
People don't like bringing back old threads because they died for a reason: nobody had anything more to say on the matter. If you dig back five pages just to say "I agree," to something that may or may not be relevant anymore, you're an idiot. So it's bad when:
a) you have nothing worth adding
b) continuing the topic would take it out of context
c) you'd be better off creating a new topic
It's good when you actually do have something to add. Someone brought back the really old IM name thread, and nobody complained much, because it reminded poeple and gave them the opportunity to update or add to a useful thread.
You should always use the search button if you're asking a question or making a lame topic, because it's probably already been done before. You don't know which, if any, of the three above conditions are met if you don't do a search first, right?