Meh. He's not really saying anything revolutionary, and he's not putting it into any sort of creative new perspective, he's more or less saying what anyone who's not an idiot already knows. And while whoever he was talking about didn't have the right to have their "asian pride" videos or whatever up, consider that there could maybe be a double standard, maybe someone has a bunch of videos about how jews are superior, or whites or superior, and those got left up for some reason. I'm not saying that's the case, and Youtube does in fact have every right to allow whatever videos they want, the person may have just been complaining about a double standard, and I would too if my video was taken down when another one like mine was left up, it's your right to compalain too. . . But anyway. . .yes, the man is probably more intelligent than most the users on Youtube, but I'm not sure how much that says about him.
I got creeped out by the way he gives that look at you and smiles without saying anything. As if he's giving you time to contemplate the godlike wisdom he is bestowing upon you.