Assassins Creed looks really great, but I haven't had a chance to play it yet. Never been into the Call of Duty series although they are supposedly quite good.
It would appear you're a fan of action games. Definitely check out Saint's Row. It's an unapologetic GTA 3 clone, but it does a lot of things right and it's definitely worth the $20 or $30 they're selling it for now.
Another great game to look into that's pretty cheap now is Dead Rising. You can use pretty much anything as a weapon to fend of an endless hoard of zombies in a shopping mall.
I don't really know how to feel about Halo 3 (register your box and you get a copy of it for free btw. check the xbox website). The single player is solid but really short -- certainly plays more like 1 than 2 though, which is a good thing. As for the multi-player, if you liked 2's, you'll love 3's. If you're a fan of Halo 1's multi-player like I am though, you'll be disappointed.
Definitely look into some of the games available on Xbox Live Arcade if you haven't already. Some real gems to be found there. Geometry Wars, E4, Marathon: Durundal, Lumines, and Castlevania SOTN, just to name a few.
XBL Gamertag: Rampant Mjolnir
Deleted User
22nd December, 2007 at 06:20:19 -
Do you need two XBOX360s to protect yourself from the ring of fire?
DaVince This fool just HAD to have a custom rating