Originally Posted by alastair john jack Seems a bit disgusting, don't think I'd enjoy it.
I don't mind the disgusting part, just the dull, unimaginative and somewhat cliche part.
This its the most close minded remark on TDC. Imagination comes with new gameplay ideas such as we have in l4d where you absolutely must work together as a team or else you all die. It is not dull either, the characters are all very entertaining, especially Ellis, I love his Kieth rants.
L4D/L4D2 are not bad games and it can be fun but to be honest it's not my favourite game. It can also be infuriating if your bundled with noobs who go commando and end up dead, noobs that keep using grenade launchers right next to the team or noobs that throw molotovs constantly usually for 1 zombie(usually on my back up route away from a tank).
I only usually play survival now (dont have the time for campaigns these days) and tbh the campaigns are all bit dull to me after a few run throughs, and yes I do know the director changes the odd thing but its not enough to make me keep playing. Perhaps with a decent team it would be fun again.