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Jon C-B

I create vaporware


I'm an alien!VIP MemberWii OwnerI donated an open source project Santa Hat
6th July, 2009 at 03:49:11 -

In my game I want a flying enemy to follow you around in the air. How could you think I could do that?



God's God


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I am an April Fool
6th July, 2009 at 05:44:21 -

The most simple and easiest way I can think of is to simply use Ball Movement and set it so that it Always looks in the direction of the player.

This is very simplistic though, and if you want any more of a complex answer, you're going to need to supply some more information about your game. What kind of engine is it using, what's the gameplay like, how is it following you? Even screenshots of the game would be far more descriptive than what you've provided so far.


loves Left For Dead 2


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6th July, 2009 at 12:05:40 -

LOL for a while, o thought "oyu" was some extension.




VIP Member
6th July, 2009 at 12:36:43 -

Well a really simple way would be to just always set the flying enemy's position in relation to the character's position.

You're going to need to be more specific though if you want pathfinding, AI, directional change, collisions, or ragdoll style repositioning (think of it as an invisible bungie cord attaching the familiar to a spot near the character) and other little things like that thrown in there for the flying enemy to use.

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God's God


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I am an April Fool
6th July, 2009 at 20:06:31 -

Thanks for restating my post.




The SpinsterVIP MemberHas Donated, Thank You!Picture Me This Round 29 Winner!Picture Me This Round 31 Winner!Picture Me This Round 36 Winner!
6th July, 2009 at 23:01:25 -

Is that what you mean: C-B.mfa
To anybody else: Don't lose your time. It's only two events long.

In the the condition, change the 50 to the distance in pixels you want the object to stop from oyu.
In the actions, play with the 0.03 to change it's speed.

If you want a radius distance instead of a box, replace both conditions by this one:
Sqr(((Abs(X( "Active" )-X( "Active 2" ))) pow 2)+((Abs(Y( "Active" )-Y( "Active 2" ))) pow 2))





VIP Member
7th July, 2009 at 00:36:04 -

Originally Posted by BrandonC
Thanks for restating my post.

Read again dude. I posted something similar but completely different!
You posted to use a ball movement and always have it look at the player.
I posted to always set it by position in relation to the character
(meaning that it will keep resetting the x and y position of the flying object relative to the character's position)

Are people just deliberately "misunderstanding" me these days or something?
I'm beginning to feel like an average kid who is forced to ride the short bus to school.

Lol .. they put you on this bus too Spitz?! .. you should be in a fancy car, driving to school and headed to your AP classes.
You know I'm just messin' BrandonC, but seriously dude, read before you criticize. Thanks.

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Blood of the Ancient One, Seen only as Shadow, Faster than Lightning, Fierce as the Greatest Dragon, Nearly Invisible, Floating in a Dream, Entered through the Demon Door, Destroyer of Evil in a Realm with a Red Sky Scarred, Who could I be ?


What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
7th July, 2009 at 00:54:53 -

Originally Posted by MBK
I posted something similar but completely different!






VIP Member
7th July, 2009 at 01:15:59 -

Originally Posted by OldManClayton

Originally Posted by MBK
I posted something similar but completely different!


.... meaning it's a totally different way of doing it ... you don't need to even set a movement for one thing ... in his you need to set a ball movement ... that's a difference in coding style, but they are similar in the fact that they are both extremely simple methods that need much added to them to look professional.

You're just taunting me aren't you? ... lol, quit it.

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Blood of the Ancient One, Seen only as Shadow, Faster than Lightning, Fierce as the Greatest Dragon, Nearly Invisible, Floating in a Dream, Entered through the Demon Door, Destroyer of Evil in a Realm with a Red Sky Scarred, Who could I be ?


What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
7th July, 2009 at 01:28:05 -

...No? I wasn't? I think the reason people misunderstand you is you're just really confusing sometimes. O_o No offense or anything.





VIP Member
7th July, 2009 at 03:43:00 -

Btw, Jon C-B, Thank You for that 3d-ish platform! ... it looks real good and I put it into the code, but there are a few minor visual anomalies that result, nothing too noticeable though. It's an imperfect code anyway, and I like the way your platform looks, so I'm using it. I did have to resize and modify it a little though so as not to have to change positional code, hope you don't mind.

If you want to make some other graphics that you feel would be good for the 2.5d project, your more than welcome to do so .. I'll probably use them, you did a good job, Thanks again!

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Blood of the Ancient One, Seen only as Shadow, Faster than Lightning, Fierce as the Greatest Dragon, Nearly Invisible, Floating in a Dream, Entered through the Demon Door, Destroyer of Evil in a Realm with a Red Sky Scarred, Who could I be ?

Jon Lambert

Vaporware Master


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7th July, 2009 at 03:47:26 -

Originally Posted by MBK
If you want to make some other graphics that you feel would be good for the 2.5d project, your more than welcome to do so ..

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VIP Member
7th July, 2009 at 04:08:39 -

omg, wait a sec ... did I mix up the Jons? .. Crap! <smacks self in face> <puts face in palm> ... well, Thank You then Jon Lambert ... sorry man ... I'm gettin' old.

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Blood of the Ancient One, Seen only as Shadow, Faster than Lightning, Fierce as the Greatest Dragon, Nearly Invisible, Floating in a Dream, Entered through the Demon Door, Destroyer of Evil in a Realm with a Red Sky Scarred, Who could I be ?


God's God


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarAlien In Training!VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerSonic SpeedThe Cake is a LieComputerChristmas Tree!
I am an April Fool
7th July, 2009 at 19:19:14 -

Wow, I wasn't criticizing you? The real world is going to be a pretty harsh place for you if you truly took offense to my mildly sarcastic post.



VIP Member
7th July, 2009 at 19:48:27 -

The real world can bite my shiny metal ass!
And mild sarcasm can suck my rock hard .................................................... abs (thought I would say something else?)

Click Me!

Blood of the Ancient One, Seen only as Shadow, Faster than Lightning, Fierce as the Greatest Dragon, Nearly Invisible, Floating in a Dream, Entered through the Demon Door, Destroyer of Evil in a Realm with a Red Sky Scarred, Who could I be ?

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