Posted By
Chloe Sagal under the influence of FUN
Registered 19/02/2009
Points 607
15th November, 2012 at 15/11/2012 09:44:04 -
First of all, fing spoilers. (mild spoilers)
Let this post be a warning to everyone. If anyone tries to convince you to play this game, tell them they're stupid, punch them in the face and run very far away. I could forgive all of the many flaws that happened throughout the game (for instance, the super linear gameplay that you won't be able to figure out on your own), if it weren't for the god awful bugged out 'final showdown'. First of all, the collision detection sucks, so most of the time you hit nothing. When you do manage to hit them and knock them over, these old priests apparently double as world class ninja assassins as they pop right up after getting hit point blank with a damn fireball. They also get to you quickly, and if they come within a 1 mile radius of you, it's an instant game over (even if you managed to hit them and knock them down right after they start their schpiel). Each time there is a game over, the loading times are atrocious. To make matters worse, if you weren't annoyed by the phrase "the power of christ compels you" already, you will be, and it will be so far etched into your mind, you're going to be punching children for weeks. I spent about a half hour of this nonsense, at at one point I had almost got them, I had one more shot on the last priest, and the game decided to go into slow motion, causing me to miss, and the priest to hop up and run right up to me between charges. I've lost the will to play this. I hope the guys that made this learn from this mistake.
And into the garbage it goes.
s-m-r Slow-Motion Riot
Registered 04/06/2006
Points 1078
15th November, 2012 at 15/11/2012 12:52:26 -
I'd never heard of this game, but after such a glowing endorsement I'm not about to go seeking it anytime soon.
Thanks for the adequate warning, Chloe...
Chloe Sagal under the influence of FUN
Registered 19/02/2009
Points 607
15th November, 2012 at 15/11/2012 23:07:01 -
HAHA, very glowing indeed!
Sleep deprivation and obnoxious gameplay is not a good mix.