I got the exporter, and i want to make a game, but the errors, and the confusion...
yeah, well basically i have no idea how to do anything with that. at all. period.
so, people of the internet, here are questions for you to answer! Your prize will be a virtual cookie.
1) what resolution should i use? I want support for iphone 4 and 4s, but if i can only choose one, i'd rather have 4s resolution.
2) does anyone on the planet have an ios tutorial? i looked for days, literally, for these, and found squat.
3) finally, regarding tutorials, how do i compile it in xcode? i cant even open the file...
i've tried compiling it via mmf2 to zip and all other ios formats it supports and tried every way i could think of to open it. help please. also, where do i pay my $99 to apple to put my garbage on the app store? (by garbage i mean games i make.)
The iPhone 4 and 4S both use the following resolution: 960×640
The iPhone 5 uses this resolution: 1136x640
I'd recommended building for the iPhone 5 resolution. Note, if you're using pixel art I'd recommend using a smaller resolution, and stretching the screen. For any other art style, I'd not recommend using the stretch option.
Remember if you're using high-res imagery in your game, break up the images into smaller sections where possible as it's easier on MMF this way.
Export your project from MMF2 as an xcode project. There are a few variations of this, I've forgotten which is the correct one. I do remember that it shouldn't be the one with "final" in it's name. (At least not until your project is 100% finished)
You can then open the Xcode project file that MMF2 exported directly from in Xcode. You may need to unzip it.
Sorry I don't have an iOS tutorial, I could really use one as I still don't know a lot about it. I'm struggling to get the basic Touch Joystick controls to work...
wait a second...
"Remember if you're using high-res imagery in your game"
I was unaware this was possible! thanks so much for all the info, its really helpful. luckily, i dont have graphics made yet, and my artist is really struggling with pixel art as she's never done it before- do you have a link or tutorial on how to import high resolution graphics?
wait- are HD and high resolution the same thing? I'm really hoping so.
anyways, here is your cookie:
Use it wisely.
As far as I'm aware you can build a game to any resolution you desire in MMF2, just the bigger it gets, the more strain it causes on memory. You can create an Active/Backdrop or any sort of graphic-related object in MMF2, then in the picture editor for it click the import button which is a folder icon.
From there you can import graphics you've already exported as PNG/GIF from software such as Photoshop or Illustrator. Other file types are probably supported, too.
Be sure to keep a check on the alpha channels for these imports though as sometimes they're just not necessary. If you import a PNG with transparent areas to the image, it'll enable the alpha channel automatically.
Also, yes HD/High res are pretty much the same thing. I was just referring to large images in general. If you're using pixel art you should be fine as typically it's not considered high res. I'm not exactly sure at what dimensions you should start chopping up images into smaller objects.