Posted By
Hayo Stone GooseRegistered 15/08/2002
Points 6949
3rd August, 2003 at 02:38:14 -
Its Jons (smegsoft) 16th birthday today!
Buster BLING COMMANDERRegistered 03/06/2002
Points 1545
3rd August, 2003 at 04:37:47 -
Happy Birthday! Edited by the Author.
Muggus Possibly Insane
Registered 31/07/2002
Points 2958
3rd August, 2003 at 07:03:30 -
...Same as above...
Happy Birthday...except...ummm...I kinda well...didn't get you a present...sorry
Come and annoy me more at
Mitch M Possibly Insane
Registered 09/02/2003
Points 2472
3rd August, 2003 at 07:16:03 -
Happy birthday Jon! I beta-testet the link to the your present from Hayo!
Blackgaze Possibly Insane
Registered 01/11/2002
Points 3161
3rd August, 2003 at 07:57:18 -
nice picture Fishhead.
happy bithday Jon
Formerly known as "Spiderhead".
Returned after four years. for more infomation
Smeggy The SmegsterRegistered 08/01/2003
Points 1062
3rd August, 2003 at 08:41:43 -
LOL, aww thanks guys, didn't know you cared lol..thanks for the cool pic Hayo, I feel honoured!.. Edited by the Author.
Jonas (Peasants)
Registered 03/05/2003
Points 339
3rd August, 2003 at 08:55:55 -
Hi there, mate! Man...You´re 16 years old now!
And i´m still just 15...=( But who cares?! Happy
birthday to YOU JON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! Sorry, i have no nice picture like
fishhead...But I hope it´s ok anyway. Once again,
Need MOD-music for your game? E-mail me, I'm doing it for free so far!
Smeggy The SmegsterRegistered 08/01/2003
Points 1062
3rd August, 2003 at 08:59:39 -
Aww, thanks mate, so many kind people, mind can't take it....
Joe.H Evil Faker Registered 19/08/2002
Points 3305
3rd August, 2003 at 10:16:50 -
Happy 16th Birthday Jon Edited by the Author.
My signature is never too big!!!
Smeggy The SmegsterRegistered 08/01/2003
Points 1062
3rd August, 2003 at 10:54:49 -
thanks dude!
Matt Boothman The Nissan Micra of forum membersRegistered 20/09/2002
Points 109
3rd August, 2003 at 11:25:26 -
Happy Biffday Jon.
Sorry, I don't have any fancy smilies or anything, just a message...
HAVE A GOOD ONE FOR ME! - Listen to my music.
Hagar Administrator
Old klik fartRegistered 20/02/2002
Points 1692
3rd August, 2003 at 11:40:57 -
Happy Birthday Dude!
Registered 08/06/2002
Points 1888
3rd August, 2003 at 11:54:17 -
Happy birthday! Make sure your cousin gives you a free month's rent as a present.
Edited by the Author.
RapidFlash Savior of the UniverseRegistered 14/05/2002
Points 2712
3rd August, 2003 at 12:45:23 -
Happy birthday, Jon. By the way, my 15th birthday is in 3 days!
ChrisB Crazy?
Registered 16/08/2002
Points 5457
3rd August, 2003 at 15:41:12 -
to you, a happy birthday