I remember a while back Rikus owned the site, Rikus then left the site for a while & left the site with Shadow Caster, now Rikus is back & who owns the site? Rikus or Shadow Caster? Did Rikus take the site back or dose Shadow Cassata still own it. Or do they both own it!?
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Well.. I coded the site, Rikus took care of all the hosting ect.. Now its SC who takes care of the hosting (..I think), because of the donations, I guess technically the people who donated own it o.O, Me, SC and Rikus keep it all up and running
As for the tech talk Shadowcaster uses the donations to take care of the
hosting but it has to be said he pays upfront using his own money and then waits
if any donations come. He pay's the difference if the donations wont cover it but i told him i would be happy to share half with any difference we are left with. (This year however the donations
covered all the hosting money keep it up people I still own and pay for the domain name.
So this site is owned by all the people visiting it, because if nobody would visit the site we would not have donations, so there ya go
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