The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. Misc Chat ::. It's kind of a game! (The Original Story Continues!)

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Jatzek(DreamEvil Corp)


VIP Member
16th April, 2004 at 08:29:47 -

It was a Friday night. The moon was shining brightly, on the sky. Alex and me(Robert) were walking in the park.
-I love you Robert... - she said and gived me a big kiss.
When I was with her, I feeled alive... I feeled that I could jump out from my body, and fly up to heaven. But this night changed my life. There was not a single soul in the park. Everyone was in their houses, it was late night, twelve'o clock. People were watching tv or they were sleeping. Suddenly we heard a strange noise from the bushes. Alex was freightened. She wanted to go away from the park, but I told her I want to see what was the noise.
-Robert, please no... I know a story... about the Dream Evil... - she said.
-What the hell is the Dream Evil? - I asked...
-The evil that lives in our dreams... if you look into his eyes, you will never ever have a safe dream again...
-This is only a silly story... there is no such things as Dream Evils.
-Please Robert, let's go.
I went to the bush, and looked inside it... ...and for a nanosecond I saw Jesus nailed on the cross. It was like a light of flash, and when it was over, Alex slaped me in the face. It wan't hurt so much in the face, but deep in the soul it hurt like the worst thing imagineable.
-You retard, she said, how... how could you.
She ran away without saying anything. Thats the strangest thing I could think of for the moment, but what I didn't know, was that this was just the beginning of many other strange things.
7: 00 AM Next morning...
I was very angry because Alex hit me last night... so today, when I woke up, I went in to the basement, and get out my old little chainsaw. It was a little bit rusty, but it still worked. I put gasoline in it, and went to Alexes house... she was alone, cause her parents went away to a vacation... good for them, bad for Alex... I knocked on the door, and started my chainsaw... I couldn't think. I couldn't control myself. I could just see myself slide my chainsaw straight into Axels body.
The screaming. I could see her pain through her face. Blood, blood everywhere. It was awful.
The phone started to ring. I dropped my saw in the floor. The sound was terrible, but I could still hear the phone ringing. I started walk in the direction to it. I could see myself lift my hand, my own gloves covered with blood. I grabed the phone, and put it close to my ear.
-Robert, íts Alex.
I awoke, I had once again control over my actions.
-Alex?, I said, b- but I killed.. you. Then I realised it was just a dream.
-Robert?, she said, Are you okay? What happen last night when you looked into those bushes and suddenly disappeared? I was worrying to death when you didn't show up in school...
School? I though and looked at my watch.
8: 30AM
Holy no, I had missed half a lesson.
-Robert? Are you still there?, Alex said.
-No time to talk, I responded, I am late for school...
At school Mrs. Crabopple busted my ass for being late but I was like 'yeah whatever' and sneakily fell asleep in the corridor (that's where I sit because I'm 'badly behaved' but I know it's because I'm too mature compared to those geeks) Anyway, I soon got bored and was doodling on the desk when all of a sudden the drawing i done of Master Splinter looked at me and told me to sharpen my pencil and take Mrs. Crabopples eyes out and stick them in her butt like buttbeads. Yes master i whispered and sharpened my pencil and sneakily threw the shavings on the floor. I stood up and entered the classrom in a trance, holding my little sharp pencil firmly in my hand...
Mrs. Crabopple was writing something on the black board. Nobody saw me enter, because that day they were writing a test. I went to the teachers back, and said:
-Good morning, BI*CH!
-What did you say Robert?! I think I told you to stay outside until the end of the class!
-Did you? Oh, sorry, I forgot! But I have a surprise to you... Look here!
I attacked her with the pencil, but just before I could stick my pencil in her eyes, the bell ranged, and I woke up... what a strange dream... after school, I didn't waited for Alex, like I always do, I went straight home. I made my homework, and went to sleep... I had a strange dream. I was at the house of Kevin. Kevin was running from me. When I looked in my hand there was a Colt. I was shooting at Kevin. I was angry at him, but I don't know why. I runned after him, and jumped on him.
-Please Robert, NO! I didn't stole your gum! Please Alex! Why are you doing this? Please!
-F*ck you!
I shooted him in the head with the colt. Blood was everywhere! I took out his eyes, and played footbal with them. When I started to go home, I woke up, and find myself in my room. What are these strange dreams?


I fell asleep quickly that night. In my dream, a strange guy, with a big hat appeared in front of me and said these words:
-If you can't do them right, I will do them for you... let's start with the teacher... I have good news to you... tommorrow there will be no school... ha ha ha!
Next day when I woke up, my phone rang. I took it up, and Alex was at the phone...
-Robert, I have bad news to you... Mrs. Crabopple was killed... someone stick a pencil in her eyes... today there is now school...
-Holy sh*t! Alex, I need to talk with you! Quickly! We are in great danger! Call Kevin! Let's meet in the park at that bush, today at 7 PM!...
.48 PM:
I was there, earlier than we had planned. The other two were nowhere in sight. I bought myself a cup of coffee and waited.

6.50 PM:
I was getting anxious. Where were they? Were they really dead? Did I really play football with Kevin's eyes? I finished my cup of coffee.

6.51 PM:
It seems like an hour has gone past. No sign of the other two. Where could they be?

6.53 PM:
A friendly hobo just told me what time it was. Why was time passing by so slowly? Has the world slowed down or have I just sped up? Perhaps it was that cup of coffee I took. I knew I shouldn't have touched caffiene.

6.55 PM:
I wanted to sleep so badly, but I couldn't. Those dreams... those horrible dreams. I couldn't face them again. The dreams satisfied the bloodlust I got from Mortal Kombat, but at the cost of the people I know and love. Cept Mrs. Crabopple. I really wish she did have that pencil in her eye.

6.57 PM:
I paced around for hours, thinking of what to do. To pass the time and keep me awake, I sat down and stood up over and over again.

6.59 PM:
My senses were tingling. I felt that there was trouble somewhere. I felt that thre was something I must do. Maybe that friendly hobo could tell me what time it was. But I felt that he was in trouble. I could not see him anywhere. I had to save him. I had to try

7.00 PM:
I heard a loud explosion. A mushroom cloud formed in the center of the city. A wall of fire was rapidly heading in my direction. I had no choice. I had to either flee or hide. I could not outr-

7: 30 PM:
Kevin... was lying unconcios on the floor of Alexes room. The blood was clearly dropping from his mouth.
-Did... did I really do that?, I asked no one specific. Kicking him in the face was a very stupid idea, even if it wasn't I who did it. But I couldn't trick anyone, nor myself.

7: 01 PM the same day:
-Robert, Alex shouted at me, wake up! Whilst I raised myself from the parkbench, I was getting back to my conciosness
I reflected the least detail of my dream. The freakiest part was undoubtly the one with Muz (no offense Muz ).
-You called us? Kevin asked bothered.
-Uhmm yeah, I responded slowly, Yeah I had those freakie dream lately and...
Kevin sighed and started to walk away, but Alex stoped him by grabing his arm.
-Pardon me, he said while pushing away Alex arm, But I have more important things on mat...
-Look I tld you, Alex interupted him and looked angrily at me, to not look in the bushes. Why did you do that?
-Well, Kevin said, nice to meet you. I just...
-You stay here, Alex said and he backed away a bit but choiced not to leave.
-I was just, I said, You know, curios and...
-Well, Alex interupted me this time, Now you are possesed by the DreamEvil and we can't do something about it.
-Pardon me, Kevin said, but can you tell me wha...
-Be quite when we are talking, Alex cried at him again while he looked more and more confused.
-Well, I said again, maybe if we find the DreamEvil, we can force it to take away this curse.
-Well, she responded quite doubtful, It is worth an attempt, at least.
-Pardon me, Kevin dared to talk again quite frighten of some reason, But what exactly am I doing her with yo...
-I told you to be quite, Alex cried at him yet another time, caused him to fall.
While Kevin helped himself off the mud, me and Alex looked for sign of life in the vegetation. Silence, silence everywhere. Nothing was moving, and nothing was there.
-Look, Alex said and pointed somwhere, Look over there
-Where? I asked her confused but yet excited
-There, she ccried, also excited
-May I please leave? Kevin asked us, but no one responded, because now I saw it. Something was moving in the bush. The same bush which that DreamEvil was hiding himself behind. I didn't think anything. I didn't hear what Alex said. I just jumped into the bush, and the next thing I know I was screaming out of pain.
-Robert, Alex cried worried, Whats going on?
I didn't answer her. I was too busy throwing away that wild beaver I made angry.
-Well how about that? Kevin responded quikly, Whatever that DreamEvil thing was, I am sure you have scared it away.
-Didn't I tol... Alex said but stopped of some reason, Wait why are Kevin here at all? She asked
-Well, I responded, If you want to know, come over here Alex. Alex didn't question me and walked near me. I whispered to her the whole story, about my dreams, about the killings.
Alex seemed shocked.
-I demand you to tell me what you told her, Kevin said.
-I don't want to hear anymore yell from you, she said, come with me, I have a new idea.
7: 25 P; at Alexes house:
She opened the drawer, and grabed a silver pocketwatch and a booked titled:

-No way, I responded without her even saying anything, I am not joining your kind of voodoo.
-Do you have any other suggestions? she asked, and I admitted I hadn't.
So I saty down on one of her chairs, and the process begun.
-Do you see the watch? Alex said and I nodded, good, follow its movement. Concentrate hard in it. You will notice it move slower... and slower. Keep following its movement, her voice was reapiting awfuly in my head, but I kept focusing in what now more seemed like the only star in space, ...And you will now fall into trance.
VOOM! I was there. The day when it happened. It was going much faster, but now I was experienced every nanosecond. I saw myself move closer and closer, and... now I saw it. But... I remembered Jesus. That wasn't Jesus. I wasn't even anything on a crucifix. It was eyes. But not the eyes I had expected when I heard Alex said "... if you look into his eyes, you...". I had expected the kind of eyes I saw in my latest dream, the red, dark Muz eyes (once again, no offence Muz). This, was regular human eyes.
I didn't have more time to think. In just that moment, I awoke by my own cry, and saw my own foot fly, straight to Kevins head.
-Robert NO, Alex said, but it was too late. Now, Kevin was lying there.
I didn't believe I had hit my girlfriends brother. But now one word popped into my head.
-Jesus, I said
-What? Alex asked confused, Robert, what are you up to?
I had no time to answer. I was running. I wanted an end of this. And I knew exactly where to turn myself to: The townchurch.
I ran, and ran, and ran, but suddenly a strange guy, with that big hat, what I saw in my dream jumped in front of me... what the hell? Is this a dream again? What's happening?
-Can you please give me some money dear boy? I haven't eated in a week...
This was only a hobo... I felt relaxed... I put my hand in my pocket, and searched for money, but the man said:
-Or if you prefer, I go, and kill Alex, and eat his brains...
I got scared! Very scared! I wanted to punch him, but when I did it, my hand went through his body, like he wasn't even there...
-What do you want from me?! - I yelled. - What are you?!
H started to sing:
-Five little indians, are singing in a tree...
-Shut up!
-One little indian is killed by a... PENCIL!
-Hehehe... this is my favourite song... you know, I really like murders with pencils... the bad thing is, that in one persons mind, I can only use it once... and I already did it... so... let's see.. who do you want next?
-Noone! Just leave!
-Hehehe... I think you don't understand something... I am traped here! Do you think I want to play with silly little boys? I have to kill.. pardon... YOU have to kill five people before I leave... one is already dead...
-What are you saying?! Did I kill the teacher?!
-Hmm... yes! - he smiled. - Do you want to kill Alex, or Kevin next?!
-Okay, then... I will choose... good bye!
-No, wait!!
I awoke in the streets, near another hobo... I didn't know what to do?! Perhaps Alex or Kevin is already dead... then I should go in the townchurch to meet Priest Peter. But what if I could save one of them... this can't be happening! Not to me! Suddenly I fell asleep again... in my dream I was at the church... I was talking with the Priest... I didn't hear what I say, but suddenly the priest started to run! Run into the church! The dream evil appeared in front of him(the man with the hat), but the priest run past him, like the evil wasn't even there...
-Hmm... Kevin was hard to kill, but I... hmm.. You did it... good work... two down, three to go! Let's see how will the life of the little priest end... suddenly I found myself in the church. The priest was standing near the altar. An inner power controled my hand, I grabbed a cross, and stick it in the priests head... he died... and suddenly I was awake again... but where to go now? I was thinking... thinking about what to do... I sat on the cold road, and I was thinking.. what to do? A fast car went in front of me... I have got only two choices: to die, or to get away. But I was so afraid... I couldn't kill myself, by my own hand. Perhaps if I can stay awake, the killings will stop for a while, and I could think on a better solution. I quickly stood up, and raned home. I got my backpack, and fill it with coffee, anti-sleeping pills, food, a flashlight, a cell phone and my fathers Colt, and anything else what contained coffeine. I left a letter to my parents, that I went away, for a reason that I can't explain now, I told them not to worry, I will be back soon. I took the keys to my fathers rest-house in the woods, and with my mothers car, I started to go. After a hour of driving I realised someone is walking near the road... with a big hat. It was him, the evil... he looked at me, and smiled. I pulled the handbrake, and turned the wheels. When the car turned, noone was there...(oops I have to go... I will continue the story later...)
I suddenly awoke. Back at the tundra, in a glacier somewhere. The dream about the universe exploding was not pleasant at all. But I soon saw something far close to that.
Someone was lying, probably dead, in the snow. Cruched by an iceblock, was bleeding badly. I also noticed my hands was unusually cold, like I had pushed something hard, and probably cold. Like I had pushed, an iceblock.
I was angrier then ever. That man hadn't done something to me ever. Why would he die? He had his entire life ahead of him.
The anger took over my body. The anger over the DreamEvil. I started to shout to the heavens, in hope of him hearing me.
I calmed down a bit while waiting for respons. Silence. Didn't the Evil hear me? Yes, something happened.
First, I could just hear the sounds. Something was rumbling at the horisont. Then I noticed the ground was shakeing. I expected it would stop soon. It didn't; it just got worse. A crack appeared in front od me. I backed. It didn't help. The cracks went bigger and more. They started to climb against the icewall. Suddenly, the ground was, like sucked in to a hole. I should have been silent instead.
I started to run. The big ice cap was srinking closer and closer to me. It was raining iceblocks.
The end of the glacier was ahead. I just continued to run, even if it went harder and harder. The glacier wasn't too deep, but I had a bad feeling about beeing cruched to the cliffs.
Then, I jumped. A huge leap straight to the top of the dale. I was now hanging with my both arms at the edge. I tried to put myself up, when the cliff got slippy and I was falling to a curtai´n and painful death.

MONDAY 5: 00 PM: Unknown location
My head was spinning. It was terrible. I tried to find my location whilst standing up. I failed. It was too dark. The only thing I could see was the ground; cold, hard and solid. And, yes another thing.
A man in a coat and big hat. He wasn't as painfuly happy as he used to be. He looked angry.
-Do you think, he said, that I ENJOY killing people which hasn't made something to me. Do you think it is YOUR curse? Well, no. It is rather mine.
-Your? I asked curiosly, your... curse.
Hed didn't respond. But I heard another voice, echoing in the area.
It was a dark and heavy voice.
Soon, the dark area was fading out. I was now in the deserts. A tall, skinny guy was wandering home with a cog of suplies. The DreamEvil, as human. Then I saw smoke from his village. He probably saw it too, cause he left his cog, and ran as fast as he could. It was too late.
With his own eyes, he saw how crusader Salkin was killing his entire family, and then left. He was really angry.
The DreamEvil read some text from the Coran, and then ran pass the crusaid by a shortcut. He had climb up a rock, and was prepared to attack with his dagger.
He took a huge leap, and attacked crusader Salkin, cut his throat off. Then he spit in hi´s face, kicked sand over him, urinated on his sword and asked "why".
He saw the crusaders ghost, and read up the saame riddle. Then DreamEvil got a diagonal cross in each wrists. Even if they wasn't bleeding, he was falling to the ground stonedead.
The desert was fading out, and the dark enviroment appeared once again. The DreamEvil showed his wrists. Showed me the diagonal cross- scars.
-Sorry I, I said, I had no idea.
-They usually don't, he responded quikly, and the only way to be forgiven is to be forgiven for my sins. Who would like to do that. He was right. Who would forgive a man killing my friends, and other people.
But then, I though of the man, I have though of ever since the begining of my epic adventure. I was thinking about Jesus. He died for our sins. What is a "thats okay" in motion to that. I felt ashamed over my self. In fact, I though that I had been worse myself.
DreamEvil was leaving in the dark halls, when I suddenly said.
-I forgive you.
-Y- you... you do? he said surprised.
-Yes, ofcourse, I responded
-Thanks, he said, no one have ever, may I hug you, please?
I didn't answer. I didn't need to. Instead, I opened upmy arms, and met him for the last time. He was crying, which was understandable. But his crying was lighter according to his voice. He sounded like a girl. But it wasn't he who was crying. IT WAS A GIRL!

MONDAY 8: 00 PM: My room
-Please Robert. Pleaeaease don't leave me. Kevin is already gone. I wouldn't make it if you died too.
That was the first time ever I saw Alex cry. Not even when I shut the cardoors on her fingers. But now she was crying as nothing what I have seen.
-Alex, I said with a voice weaker then I though.
-Robert, Alex responded happily, Robert you made it. She huged me, but it hurt like [Belsebubs kingdom] so she stopped after my cry of pain.
While the hug, I noticed Alex had bandage.
-Alex, I said, your... arms...
-Nothing to worry about, she said calm while cleaning her nose from liquid mascara, It was just an accident in the food line. I can take away it now.
But it was worse then she though. Cause when she relealised herself from the bandage, a scar appeared on each of her wrists. A scar in shape of a diagonal cross.

-Computerengineer Drem Evel found a bug in the program which would start WW3 according to Evel himself, the newsanchor said, The program was used to fire away nuclearweapon to North Korea, but the plans was stopped during hacker Gross Mell, or "Muz" (really, no offense Muz) which planned to freese himself to the 3029 where "he would find his undead lover".
It seemed like Alex had forgot about the DreamEvil. Although it was a long time and we hadn't talked about it since, I had that mysterios feeling that she was it. The DreamEvil.
-Stupid scar, she said, it won't go away. What do you think, Robert. I turned my ahead away.
-Robert, what is it? she asked, why don't you want to look into my eyes. I didn't want to answer that question. I was afraid of the truth. I was afraid of her hearing the truth.
-Alex, I said, I know that you have a hard time. We take it sometime next week. If I though, IF I survive to next week. Two weeks passed since, I woke up in my room with Alex... Alex was still sad for his brother, the funeral was held 7 days ago... I was there too, everyone cried. They still can't find the killer of Kevin, perhaps it was me... or Alex. I was thinking... I had no dreams since them... and what if Alex really is the DreamEvil? Or if she is possesed by him? Perhaps I had scarrs too... is the power of forgiving this strong, that it can destroy such a great evil? I decided, to go to the library, before I talk with Alex. I went in to the library, and got out a book: Evils Among Us. I searched for the DreamEvil, and I found it:


An evil from the second century, the spirit of a young boy, who avenged the death of his family, by killing one of the most evil crusaders. Legends says, that the crusader possesed his soul, and cursed the little boy to whom he sees, has to kill five people. His soul is traped between the underworld and the real world, in a place, named Aghantara, the land of the deads who turned evil. No one knows the way, how to deal with this demon, how to get rid of him, or how to kill him. In 1934 a group was formed, by six mens, who said that they were possesed by the Dream Evil. They said that they know the answer, but they will only tell it, to a man who is possesed. Legends from the DreamEvil

A young boy was possesed by the DreamEvil. Strangely, five man whom he hated died. The killer was never found.

A woman named, Elisabeth, was possesed by the evil. Two men whom he hated was killed, in strange and bizzare ways. He said that he'd forgive the DreamEvil, and the killings stoped.. but sixteen days later, his best friend, the only one he loved, died, in a bizare way. He burned from inside, through his scars... After that two other mans died whom he hated, and the dream evil once again dissapeared...

THIS CAN'T BE! So then Alex is next! But I'v forgived him! Why is he killing? From the library a dark and heavy voice whispered:
No! This isn't over! If this book says the truth, then Alex will die, in two days! I need to do something... I feeled a little bit relaxed, Alex wasn't the Dream Evil... or was she? First of all I need to know, what was a dream and what was real! I ranned home, my mothers car was home, the key to my fathers rest-house was home too... only the colt was missing... the weapon with what I killed Kevin... I was sure, that I am the killer...but I couldn't telled Alex... I need to find that six man, who was possesed... NOW! -This is stupid (not the post ), I said quiet to myself, Stupid, stupid; stupid.
But it couldn't help. I needed to do this. Weither I liked it or not.
Me and Alex was walking home together as usuall. But not quiet as usuall as... usuall. Neither of us talked. We both though for ourselves instead of chewing out the usuall gossip. I at least knew what I though: How did Alex find out about the DreamEvil in the first place. And believe me, I have tried anything else, and everything had failed. I sat myself in my fathers restroom the entire evening and figured about this. This, and only this, was the only solution.
-Robert, we said each others names at the same time.
-You first, Alex said.
-No you, I insisted; and she started.
-Robert, she sa said bothered, I have in the past two weeks notice; don't get it wrong I just ask you; but are you meeting any other girls...
That was a real punch in this stomach. Of course your girldriend suspect that sort of things if you avoid seeing them in the eyes. I should have forseen this mistake, but I didn't. Now I must take the conequences.
-Of course I haven't, I said in a calm, worried voice; when I actually should have sound really bothered, and insulted.
-You doubted, she said suspiciosly and sighed, Robert, do you really think this is working out?
I was worrying more and more. If I wasn't her boyfriend, it would take longer time to analyse the situation. And time, was the most important thing I wanted just now.
-Well, I said with hidden emotions, couldn't we try a bit longer? Like, I don't know, a week; two days. Alex looked cofused.
-I just want you to be honest, she responded, Do you think you can start looking into my eyes again?
I started to breath heavy. If I saw her in her eyes, I would have those awful dreams again. But thenm again, wasn't love more important then dreams?
-I don't know, I answered and turned my head slowly towards her. Then I saw them, but nothing happened. No Jesus, no dreams; nothing. All I could think of was that I had forgot how beatiful they was.
-Oh Robert, she said and huged me. I catched her with my arms and huged her too. That was a clear "Yes".
Suddenly I heard an evil laughter. It wasn't from Alex, it wasn't from me. It came from inside my head.
-Haha haha, and it sounded familiar, Did you really think you could get away from me that easy?
-DreamEvil, I said; and the huging quited.
-What? Alex said confused, what did you say just?
-Alex, I responded, I need you to tell me where you first heard about the DreamEvil.
-DramEvil, she repeated cofused, yes, I remember that. Wait wasn't you posessed by it.
-Not really. Now it is more like YOU are posessed by it, I wanted to say, but I couldn't.
-Of course not, silly, I answered her calmly, I don't believe in these stories. I need your information for a schoolproject.
Luckily, she had forgotten alot of detailes. She looked a bit confused when she said...
What? I said confused. Apperantly the DreamEvil was trying to distract me, but why? What was he doing in my head in the first place? Wasn't he supposed to be... just nothing?
Appearantly I asked that question to him, because he answered me:
-I though it too, he said in my head, but it seems like I must fullfill my work first.
-Fullfill work? I asked surprised in the kind of way we communicated, why are you her, what is happening to Alex and why has I stopped dreaming...
-Relax, he interupted me, your forgiveness DID help... a bit. I am just now your dreams, and can't controll anything but them. I have laid low a while because I didn't think you wanted my presence...
-Not wanted? I asked him angrily with the knowlege of that both he and I knew he had right, not wanted! You tell me now what is happening with Alex! Or else...
-You can't do anything with me, he interupted me, but I can tell you that if I don't do my work, crusader Salkin will do it for me.
-How do you know this, I asked him, and when does he... the crusader...
-I don't know, he interupted me again, but I can tell you that more people have tried to get rid of me then you... and failed.
-But then, I said, you can't be...
-The original DreamEvil? his interupting was getting annoying, no ofcourse I can't. I just wanted off this curse.
-What? I said angrily and a bit disapointed so I think Alex heard it too.
-Robert, she said, don't you listen to me? No, I wasn't. I wanted to finish my conversation with mr. Evil.
-You help me rescue Alex, I said, or I will take back my forgive...
-You can't, he continued to interupt, done is done, and for Alex; she just suffer. Just look at this poor ladys dreams.
Before I even though of questioning him, I was hanging somewhere with my hands. With a large beard, I saw my own wrists covered with wooden pegs. I felt something sharp on my head. I was Jesus.
Suddenly I awoke, feeling that the DreamEvil was absent from my head for a while.
I started to organise my thoughs. Alex has start to dream about she is Jesus. And she has the scars of the pegs on her wrists. Did she have the scars of the thorncrown too?
Of a pure quincidence, she was just scrathching her head in confuseness of my absent look. Uncovering her long red hair a second, letting me witness the circle around her head of tiny diagonal crosses. The answer on that question was yes.
My conclusion was: She was suffering stigmata; the descease/curse which makes you feel the pain of Jesus on the cross. If I would follow the logic, that Elisabeths love died in, no its too obvios, after easter. Same was awaiting Alex. That gave me more time, it was still a week to the next easter. Until that, I have to find a cure.
Even if all these seems to take a long time, everything above only took about five seconds. It was enough for Alex to ask:
-How are you Robert?
-Uhm finem, I answered, could you please take that again?
-Okay, she answered, but listen carefuly at me now
-Just so you know it, a dark voice said inside my head, if you stop her to die, you will never be left without me...
was frighten and confused of what the DreamEvil said, but I fast released that it was more important to ask it out after the information I was about to recieve was recieved.
-Well, she said after a deep breathe, I remember a guy named Thomas. I don't know his last name or if he has one, but he tells alot of fairytales, like he himself had experience them. That story about the DreamEvil especially frighten me of some reason. My grandfather and I used to visit him alot together.
-Used? I asked curios.
-Well, she answered a bit frighten, before he died...
-Whom? Thomas? I asked surprised her. A bit too surprised I am sure.
-No, she said a bit sad now, My grandfather.
-Oh, I said whilst I cursed my own insensitivity, I am sorry.
-Thats okay, she said, anyway, now I don't use to visit him at all. Mostly because he is a bit freakie...
-Why? I asked, because he believe in fairytales?
-Not really, she explaned, because he lives in a menthal hospital.
I was shakeing of the though to meet a freak, but then I tried to convince myself he wasn't a freak, but a humanbeing.
-Robert, she interupted me in my thoughs, you aren't going to visit him are you?
-No, I lied to her badly
-Good, she said, he is a bit creepy...
Next morning after breakfast I got into my mothers car, and went straight to Silent Memory Hospital for the Mentaly Insane. I was affraid... what if this man don't knows nothing? I went inside the hospital, a nurse sit at the reception. I asked:
-Could you please help me? I am looking for Thomas...
-What Thomas? What's his first name?
-Oh... I don't know.. I only know, that he is always telling fairy tales...
-Oh.. Thomas Hegger. Why do you want to see him?
-Oh... my.. my... his father asked me, to come in, and talk with him, because... because he wasn't here for a long time...
The nurse smiled:
-That's true... his father wasn't here for a long time... because HIS DEAD! HIS FATHER IS DEAD! NO GET OUT FROM HERE YOU LIER BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE!
I ranned away. I have to get inside somehow, but how? I saw a ladder near a window, on the second floor. I climbed up. I was in the dining room. NO one else was there. I went outside and saw many many rooms with names on it: Alfred Dohan, John Maxino, and at the end of the corridor, there was a room... the room of Thomas Hegger. I went inside. He was sitting in a chair, and was reading something...
-Can I come in? - I asked affraid...
He slowly turned his head to me, while putting away the book he was reading.
- Who are you? he said to me with a light shaking voice. Before I ever answered his question, he interupted me.
- No, don't tell me! he said, Let me guess! Its something with R! R, Ro... Roger, thats it!
- Robert I corrected him, pretty not impressed since the big R on my T- shirt.
- Pretty close, he said anyway, What do you want?
- Uhm, I said, do you happen to know a certain Alex Moore?
- Ah yes, he responded quikly, yes a cute litlle girl isn't it? She hasn't visited me for a long time.
- Not since her grandfather died, I said.
- He has died? he asked surprised, I have barely noticed!
He laughed happily but rather scary.
Suddenly I started to wounder what I was doing there.
- Well, he said, whats about her?
- Uhm, I said pretty unconcentrated in the subject, what were you reading, just?
- Fairy tales, he said unbothered by me changing topic so fast, it is so much in them which you miss.
- But there is nothing there, I said bothered.
- You are all so shallow, he said, just because you can't experience an object, it doesn't mean you it exist. There is lots of things that you miss: hobbits, nincompoop smurfs, DreamEvils...
- I wanted to talk about the last, I interupted him, and he looked angrily at me.
- Haven't your parents teached you not to interupt people? he said bothered, now what did you just say...

Continue the story if you want! I will!

"Some nightmares never go away"

I'm waiting for you in SILENT HILL!


16th April, 2004 at 09:47:16 -

Not bad. Some spelling and grammar errors, but other than that, it's ok.
Ok, go on, continue the story.

The content above makes absolutely no sense. But I guess you've already figured that out.

Gir, do dat funky dance!


Mascot Maniac


Game of the Week WinnerSecond GOTW AwardHas Donated, Thank You!VIP Member
19th April, 2004 at 20:33:19 -

Way Too Much...




VIP MemberI'm on a BoatI am an April FoolHonored Admin Alumnus
19th April, 2004 at 21:47:09 -

LOL, just write a novel on it. I dun think anyone would read something that long in their spare time.

Prove me wrong.

Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.



19th April, 2004 at 22:47:52 -

Skadet Rettferdighet behager refreng fra Deres elendig holdning. Er De hvorfor som fungere måten som De er? Kunn gudspussdom ned på Deres sjel.

Por favor cesse seua bobagem.


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