Posted By
Registered 23/04/2004
Points 916
7th May, 2004 at 12:24:28 -
Thats a big problemo!
Oh sweet mary.
Pkeod Oontz Oontz OontzRegistered 19/11/2002
Points 93
7th May, 2004 at 12:34:41 -
Oh noess! The world is dDOOOmddodmdodmeeeed DOOOMED!
thank you god for sarcasim
Faerie Solitaire - Get it now:
Kirby Smith Resident SlackerRegistered 18/05/2003
Points 479
7th May, 2004 at 13:28:42 -
Kissing is hella easy. Just lean in and see what happens. As long as you both enjoy it, that's all that matters.
XBL Gamertag: Rampant Mjolnir
Kris Possibly Insane
Registered 17/05/2002
Points 2017
7th May, 2004 at 13:29:07 -
Good luck finding help here
"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegifRegistered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
7th May, 2004 at 14:36:14 -
Retired Kliker Lazarus The Ed Wood JR of TDCRegistered 18/07/2003
Points 7363
7th May, 2004 at 14:51:13 -
Hmmm...intresting topic.
Well, personally, when I kiss, I open my mouth real big so that I can swallow my date's head.
Maybe that's why I don't have a steady girl-friend....
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
defenestrator OldRegistered 12/07/2003
Points 724
7th May, 2004 at 14:53:13 -
Make sure you lick her face with clean, broad strokes. Start at the chin and work up to the forehead. Repeat until the entire face is covered in saliva. Then, watch football. Remember: you are an artist.
Registered 20/03/2004
Points 852
7th May, 2004 at 15:33:05 -
I think I did it wrong last time, according to you, defenestartor. Ahahah.
"Everytime you use Kazaa, a metallica band member dies a little."
Quote Jonathon Smeby.
Deleted User
7th May, 2004 at 16:03:31 -
just hope your loved one will teach you how.
Mr Icekirby
Registered 18/12/2003
Points 846
7th May, 2004 at 16:48:08 -
how could you get any help here? seek better professional help, we are not the right kind of professionals... which kind are we though?
Mr Icekirby says so!
Shen Possibly Insane
Registered 14/05/2002
Points 3497
7th May, 2004 at 16:51:57 -
I'll kiss you
gone fishin'
The Chris StreetAdministrator
Unspeakably Lazy AdminRegistered 14/05/2002
Points 48488
7th May, 2004 at 17:19:24 -
You're also gonna enter Bannedville if you don't shut up Phizzy. If you're gonna get drunk at least get drunk with some friends.
Dr. James MD Addict
Registered 08/12/2003
Points 11941
7th May, 2004 at 17:26:26 -
gettin drunk alone is the first sign of 'problems'
On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegifRegistered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
7th May, 2004 at 18:11:46 -
then going on the internet whilst drunk is the second sign, presumably?
this makes me think of BACK TO THE FUTURE:
teacher: "is that liquor i can smell?"
biff: "i wouldn't know sir, i don't know what liquor smells like because i'm not old enough to drink it."
Grazzum - Scorpion E
Registered 25/10/2003
Points 918
7th May, 2004 at 18:42:40 -
I dunno, Just kiss. But don't get sloppy, it's gross.