The Daily Click ::. Links

Author: Silveraura Submitted: 12 2006
Hits: 1811  

CassataGames finally got itself out of the "Under Construction" nitch, and the site is up and completed. Any opinions on the design are more then welcome, please.

800x600 or higher recommended.
IE7 or FF recommended.

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Posted by axel  12 2006

The word "browser incompatibility for silly transparency effects" springs to mind. But that's six words. And I'm on FF2 anyway.
Posted by axel  12 2006

And you know, it's not a very strategic move to publish a site before you've got proper content on it. If you've got content, people will come back and check on it more often, while a WIP site will just drive visitors away before you get a chance to show them anything.

Just saying.
Posted by axel  12 2006

Hmm, and also, I think the text on the about page would look better if you text-align: justify'd it.

Okay I'm done now
Posted by Silveraura  12 2006

Well personally, browser incompatibility is only a problem for those who refuse to update, so they aren't my problem. As for the other 2 comments though, I think those two are more useful. I'll fix up the about page, and I'm gathering all the content right now, ready to be uploaded. Thanks.
Posted by axel  12 2006

It's not a problem just for people who refuse to update. A lot of people still use IE6 simply because they don't know there's an IE7, not to mention Firefox. A lot of people also use lower resolutions, or just generally crappy machines. I don't know what the exact percentage is, but if you're ready to subtract that percentage from the number of downloads you'll get, then do so.

Page speed is also an important factor if you want people with slower internet connections to download your games.


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