News posted 18th January, 2004 by ShadowCaster
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Tigerworks is in the process of creating a scripting object for MMF which will greatly expand the functionality of the software. Called FISI (Fusion Interpreted Script Interface) the object allows you to type commands using a Jama-style language which includes the ability to create conditions and loops, as well as manipulate pre-existing objects within MMF. An example given by Tigerworks lines up a group of objects diagionally:
object objarr[32]; // Define an array of objects
objarr = call GetObjects(); // Calls an MMF event to fill the array with a set of duplicates of an object
for (int i = 0; objarr[ i] != 0; i++) { // Loop all the objects (until objarr[ i] is 0)
objarr[ i].x = i * 32; // Set X co-ordinate of this object
objarr[ i].y = i * 32; // Set Y co-ordinate of this object
If you're looking for a way to expand what MMF can achieve, be sure to check out the public beta he has released here.
ShadowCasterPossibly Insane
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 2203