What would you like to see happen to the Clickzine?
A total of 92 people voted for this poll.
Simple question really - and there was a clear winner. 53 people think that the Clickzine should be integrated into The Daily Click, while 16 people felt it should be left alone. 15 people felt it should be closed down and the rest of you chose the other option. Well to let you know, I started work on the new Clickzine yesterday - not sure when it will be finished but I'll keep you updated. Some of you may notice that the old website is no longer up - this is simply because the hosting I paid for has now finished. Click here to see all of the results.
How many projects have you finished?
We had a poll last year regarding how many projects you had unfinished - so to start off the new year I thought maybe we could see how many projects you have actually finished.