Hello to you all, my name is Simon Colmer and I have been chosen to be the new admin on TDC to help with news posts etc.
Just wanted to drop a post to say hello, say some stuff about me, and also to thank the TDC admin’s for giving me this chance to give back to TDC after all these years of membership. Some people ‘might’ know me from Jedi Temple (JT) or Webit (1.9 or 2.0). I started out with TGF back in 1999, and since over the years I have progressed through MMF 1.5 and now MMF 2.0 Dev. I would have to say im an application developer more than a games developer – but I know a good a game when I see one.
So lets see those games and downloads and I shall do my best to give you the best of them