News posted 10th June, 2010 by Assault Andy
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So as of writing, we have 0/4 completed projects. I'm sure most of you would be eager to say that the competition was a failure, and in terms of four teams making four games, it was.
But the competition hasn't all been for nothing. Both I and all the teams involved have learned valuable lessons. It genuinely motivated lots of people to get together, make some new friends, and work on some games together. For more on this, I've taken the liberty of writing an article on game making in general and the lessons learned from this experiment.
I don't think that any of the teams should be crowned the SUPER GLORY TEAM OF AWESOMENESS... yet . So I'm not going to announce a winner. What we do have however is a playable game engine by Majestic Plural. It's really quite fun if you grab a friend. I've played it with OMC and I really enjoyed it. The network code is smooth, the graphics are tight and the gameplay is quite fast paced. With a bit of work it could definitely be a very polished game indeed. Honestly, I think it only needs some powerups and a few different levels.
As for the other teams, I can only conclude that they have all created vaporware, and, to be fair, everyone who still hasn't submitted something will receive a vaporware tag. This includes the people who "left their teams" in the last few days of the competition! I posted the rules of the competition and there were no complaints to the rules. You guys had your chance! You knew the stakes!
But now I feel mean, so I'm going to change my own rating to "I make other people create vaporware." And I'm going to challenge myself (along with the help of another artist) to create a game in the next couple of weeks. I'll only change my tag back to normal after I have completed that game, or when all of the other teams have submitted something.
There were a lot of lessons learned from the competition and in some ways, I think we're just getting started. I genuinely hope that all of the teams continue to work together and hopefully can submit a game or engine of some sort for everyone else to see.
Feel free to pay everyone out for not finishing their games provide some positive feedback for the teams to complete their games in the comments section. Or even share your thoughts on the competition. Was it a massive failure? Or did one team deserve to win?
Read my breakdown on the competition, and the lessons learned here.