More like Game Of The Two Weeks, but oh well. XD
Mighty the almighty space hamster put up a valiant fight, but in the end he was blown to smitheroons by ARENA. Congratulations to Atlantis on winning their first Game of the Week!
ARENA really is quite a technical feat for an MMF2 game, so if you're interested, click here to download this week's winner and read its comments.
Waiting an extra week to wrap this GOTW up probably turned out for the better, because we had a pretty nice handful of submissions this week. We've got two engines based off Nintendo games, a minigame fest by Jonny Comics that's inspired by a Nintendo game, a visually impressive fish-a-thon puzzler, a retro-ish platform escapade, and zombiezzzz. WHO WILL WIN THIS TIME? :D Cast your votes!
Finally, our most recent poll has come to a close, and it seems that Yoshi won the hypothetical Mario Kart race. Toad placed 2nd, and the Mario Brothers tied for third. (And I'm the only one who voted for Peach...) That being said, a new poll is up. ^_^