The Daily Click ::. News

Fusion3 blog #1: Objects
News posted 7th March, 2025 by Joshtek  

Click news comes in threes, right...


You may be as surprised as me to hear that Clickteam have posted the first of a monthly series of blog posts about Fusion 3... or "Fusion3" as it appears to be officially styled (presumably to make it easier to find on search engines). 

We start with a focus on objects. The post starts by stating: "Thank you for your patience, we realize that we have been super slow to communicate progress on Fusion3. The good news is starting today, we will be delivering a new update monthly to you. Please make sure to join our Patreon so you are notified when new blog posts appear there...In Fusion3 objects are very much like what you are used to using in Fusion 2.5 but with a few new exciting exceptions."

Is your interest piqued? Get back on the hype train and read about it here (no subscription required).

(Hat tip to Capitaine Caverne for letting me know about this news!)

Clickteam Spring sale

It's discount time again. The Clickteam Spring Sale 2025 is running on through the 20th of March.

New Active Object on Friday offer

To quote @jaytholen: "For Bandcamp Friday I set the price of my new album New Active Object to $2.50 in honor of The Games Factory's 250 object limit. if you like proggy/jazzy art-pop about making games as a youngster you'll dig this"

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