Wow...Looks like I took a year off from this one. But I've learned a tremendous deal of new techniques since starting this project. The later segments of the game will be sure to include these more advanced aspects.
Here's a current situation report on current features:
+ custom platform movement
+ different animations for running, jumping, and falling (particularly proud of this and how the little guy looks)
+ solid platforms that cannot be jumped through, as well as "ledges" that the player can jump through and then land on
+ moving platforms, activated by the player shooting a projectile at an activation switch (appears as a large, red crystal that spins once activated); on some later levels, these platforms are time-sensitive, and need to be reactivated
+ "trampolines" that allow high jumps when the player bounces on them
+ implemented the player's weapon: throwing magical dust on enemies that freezes them for a short time, rendering them harmless
+ eight out of ten levels are completed
+ final artwork is about 85% complete
+ three different enemy types, each with different styles of attack
+ two additional levels await completion (to make 10 total)
+ finalized artwork, including parallax backgrounds and more special effects
+ an intro screen; cutscenes between levels
+ music; not sure if I'll have MP3s of live music recordings (my personal preference), MP3s of studio music, or rely on MIDI music (the worst-case scenario, to be honest)
The included screen shot shows the third enemy, which launches a snowball at the player once spotted. Please note the final background is not displayed in the screen shot.
I intend to finish this project before 1st January, 2009.