Well the title says it all really... i've gone from this project being shareware to freeware to shareware to... you get the idea. What made me change it back again is that I was looking back through the project files and suddenly realised how much time and effort myself and Hayo have put in to this. We actually started it in 2005 and (as i'm sure you know) it's now nearly 2009 and inbetween there and here we've certainly racked up the hours!
There will be a demo released with about 3-4 levels plus a hidden bonus level (haven't decided exactly how many levels yet) so you'll all still be able to have a play
I've spent some of the christmas break tidying up the website and getting it ready for release - www.turningthetide.info (only page that isn't working is the media page whilst I finish up the game and then get the video and screenies done).
Anyway... if anyone does want to buy the game it'll be $20 on release or if you order now it'll be $10. Obviously if we don't release the game you'll get your money back! You'll also get a pre-release version of the game to play with.
I'll stop babbling now. Happy Xmas and New Year!