I knew the progress was too good to be true. Well, here's the problem. MMF has horrible data storage capabilities. Ok, sure, you could store a lot of things. But you can't bring them all out at the same time, nor can you calculate a value while it's being stored.
Look at this:
((((100*(2 pow (((GetItemValue("Char 1","stats","finStr","0"))-25)/5)))*(Val(Edittext$("powerusage"))))*(StrAtXY("LeftHand P1",value("wpnSection"),14)))/(StrAtXY("LeftHand P1",value("wpnSection"),13)))
Tell me where the error is? Now that is the simplest formula - the one which calculates the damage done before armor. Adding in armor piercing makes it longer.. factoring the opponent's defenses will greatly increase complexity.
Also, there's the problem that an expression about 3 times longer gives an "Expression too complex" error.
Looks like I'm going to have to redo the entire data storage system. I need a system where data can be taken in and out immediately. Something efficient. C++ suits my needs, but it's got it's own limitations, especially with calculations and conversions, and creating the GUI.
Also, I think this is a good chance to think of how to make the game completely moddable. I want someone to be able to make a full game out of it, without source code - the Combatant engine will function as the core, like what Adrift, RPGMaker, and Neverwinter Nights does.