In terms of code, race is now almost complete. I've decided to split race from creatures - so that different races now have different sizes, different bonuses to strength, different rates of aging. My code is horribly inefficient, but it's easier to keep slogging on and going back to fix it, rather than to find the clearest path under this whole mess. But I'm getting things done.
Now in terms of gameplay, it's become a lot more complex. After a lot of thinking, I'm not really that happy with how races work in most fantasy games. Fantasy races came from fantasy literature.
And fantasy literature have mostly been back in the days when racism was common in the real world. Something just isn't right about it now.
Also, I'm not fond of tiny differences (like dark elves, grey elves, high elves). It only makes the player more confused which to pick and doesn't add anything to the game. If I put a race in.. it'll be purely for culture. So far, the goblins, orcs, kobolds, and gnomes have very different city building styles. Elves? Not just yet; not until I could make them special.
So, the races will need a long, long look. Sub-races will probably not exist at all. But they will be memorable and have their own little place in the world; they won't be just a +1 STR, -1 AGI. I'm not certain whether you should start off with a character of a different race either; that will need some more thinking.