Don't know why I feel like doing this, but I do.
General: If you haven't noticed, I have made a blog for this project that will be updated more often than this place will be. On that blog right now is a poll, asking what kind of pressure pack features you want. Please vote.
Story: So come up with some world ideas, please? Volcano, the moon, what? I don't know what you want.
Art: I put up a file for you to make tilesets for the level editor with. Just edit it however and PM me a link or email me. I also mailed some people about doing some art concepts for the game. It's a test to see who might be good as Lead Artist. If you want to try, DC mail me.
Programming: So we are now using Matthew's engine. I'm doing well with the level editor. Just need to make it save and load, and get some more tilesets people! Matthew is adding pressure features, which is what the poll is for.
Sound: Not until we get some worlds and a story.
Good. Someday, I hope to make this progress 1%.