Alright, to keep me from procrastinating any further, I'm going to post some sort of schedule in a public area so I'll be more motivated to get things done by a certain date. This is, of course, not strict. I'm not going to promise that I'll get these things done at the listed date, because homework might appear out of nowhere or I might get stuck or randomly sick, yaddayaddayadda. But, it helps to have structure.
I'm going to experiment with better particle effect graphics this week and hope to have something figured out by May 8th, 2009.
I'm going to try to adapt the level editor interface to the splotches graphics by May 10th, 2009.
I'd like to have the level loading mechanics at least mostly integrated by May 11th, 2009. (Tell me if this is too soon, Sumo.)
I'm going to try to set up a test puzzle-downloading system by one week after the finish date of the splotches level editor.
I'm hoping to be looking for Beta Testers and official Splotches Puzzle Makers (paid in DC points) by mid-June. This is probably not realistic, but the sooner I set it, the less time I'll have to push the date back even farther.
I wonder what happened to my old ability to finish this size of a game in a short time? Oh yea, college. Don't be surprised if I realize the level of wisdom of this post and it disappears.
Buddles teh Wegert, I'm bumping the progress level down to 78%. And be forewarned that I have a big English paper and several midterms this week.