Although can I make a couple of suggestions in advance?
1. Is this game going to run in HWA?
2. Why don't you make the parallaxing backgrounds a lot lighter in colour? It would be easier to differentiate between the graphics as a whole?
No, the game will not use HWA. I may eventually release a HWA version, but that's not planned for the initial release.
As far as the backgrounds go, I'll look into it.
One thing for sure, is that I don't want the game looking nintendo. I grew up playing seizure colorfull games like Sonic, Ristar, Sparkster. The colors never bothered me personally.
So far the people who have played tested the game have no complained about the backgrounds. I've had kids from coworkers and friends play it. And I asked them this question. They seemed to have no trouble with it. Comment edited by MadebyNewt on 7/4/2009
Oh and I'd like to inform right away, because I know many people here are scared of downloading large files. That the full install of the game is about 400 megs. Warning from the beginning.
Although I'm thinking in BETA testing world per world. So I don't send out the entire game at once.
Wow I just checked your website, this game look amazing. Very professional. How did you do the CGI videos? They look fantastic! Man I need some good graphics for my game, I absolutely SUCK at drawing.
Anyway I would be interested in beta testing if you are still looking for people
The cgi movies were made using 3D Studio Max and Maya. And yes I'm looking for BETA testers still I'll let you know when it's ready. I'm flying back to the US monday (Currently in Brazil visiting family). When I return to North America, I'll start contacting the testers. I want to be available if anything comes up with the game and not stuck on a plane hehe