Ok just got back to windows. While it was great to be developing on Linux, I needed some tools like Paint.net, because the alternatives like Gimp were far too clumsy for me to use efficiently.
In these last 5 days or so I've been working on the game day and night, sleeping about 4 hours a day, but I have to say, the feeling you get when you put so much work and sacrifice into something is amazing.
Right now I'm tired and sleepy as hell, but for every new bit of the game, every fixed bug, every slight mirage of improvement, I get more and more proud about my work. I really can't wait to release the game and say "it's finished !"
I finished the Level Editor and sent it to the level designers, and I must say I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. All I wanted was to have a tool that would allow the designers to make the levels easily and quickly, and I believe I achieved that.
Talking about the levels, I decided to make them a lot larger, in width but specially in height. This decision has to be with some new elements I added to the gameplay such as ladders and blocked passages which can only be open with keys. This will make the levels a lot more open, and less straightforward, while at the same time will compel the player to find every secret passage in the game in order to get the game done at 100% (by getting all the golden bones).
One of the biggest news I have for today is that I'm planning to work on a free expansion for the game, to be release not long after the release of A Man With a Monocle.
More, I will release the level editor, and everybody will be able to create their own campaigns.
For that I will setup a special section in the official site of the game, where the creators will be able to upload and get their custom campaigns listed, so that anybody can download them.
I think that's all for today, thanks everybody for the support !