The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Terran Thunder

Project: Terran Thunder
Project Started: 3rd November, 2009 Last Update: 11th May, 2011
Project Owner: DS Strider Project Members:
Project Type: Space Themed 2D Shooter Project Progress:

One last feature
Posted 9th Nov 09, by DS Strider  
With this update, I mark the main engine of the game... FINISHED.

At the last minute, I decided to add a new feature to the game which will double the firepower your ship carries, and hopefully balance out the harsh difficulty I have planned for the title. Weapon swapping.

Here's how it works:

Your ship now has TWO weapons, a primary, and a secondary, which can be swapped at any given time by pressing the SELECT button. Before this feature was added, the player would lose their weapons if they lost a ship. Now, whatever weapon is not in use at the time is now saved upon death. (You still lose the weapon you were firing at the time of death, though). This allows the player to swap back to the other weapon once your ship respawns so they don't have to farm for powerups nearly as often. (If you've played Contra 3 or 4, you've seen this feature in action).

With this update, I'll be taking a break from programming to work on the game's graphics.

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