OK, so i finished the zombies perception. The zombies are able to hear you through walls, and see you if your within their field of view. For now they can hear you as long as your within their 'hearing radius'. Also there are 'sound barricades' placed where sound shall not be able to penetrate (in this example, its along the thick walls). The perception is triggered through fast loops, looping through all the zombies in turn.
UPDATE(04.02.2010)Fixed the glitches, where the Zombies could hear through barricades and see through walls here:
Green= they can't see or hear you
Yellow = they can hear you
Red = they can see you
They don't follow you or anything yet, just randomly bouncing around. You can spawn zombies by holding the left mouse button and remove them by right clicking on them. You can also change the zombies 'Field Of View'(degrees), 'SightRadius' and 'HearingRadius' at the top of the frame.
I am still working on some minor glitches that need to be fixed, but this version should be good enough(not perfect) for public viewing.
UPDATE(04.02.2010) All problems fixed, pleas let us know about other possible issues/ bugs/ glitches. thank you
There is a change in my work sequence as well, ill do it in this order:
#1 - Perception
#2 - Movement
#3 - Pathfinding