I recently started working in a area of the game that I think I seriously overlooked: the sound.
I used to have the music loop all the time, but I tried experimenting a bit and made the music only restarts a while after it stopped. The resulting silence made each little sound stand out a lot more which allowed for some very interesting possibilities.
I then added footsteps sounds as well as some sounds when enemies are nearby, and the result was really interesting, with some headphone in, it was almost as if I was actually in the game.
Then the music restarted again and every sound was considerably less noticeable, but for some reason the music itself stood out a huge lot more than it used to and it felt like it restarted right when I wanted to hear something other than the character's footsteps and it felt more beautiful and fitting than ever.
Overall, the sound still need some fine tuning, but playing with it was one of the best ideas I had since I started this project. It's amazing what can be done with it, and how it can immerse the player into the game.