The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Arrow Clash!

Project: Arrow Clash!
Project Started: 11th June, 2010 Last Update: 27th October, 2010
Project Owner: HitmanN Project Members:
Project Type: Traditional Cave Flier (online) Project Progress:

Player names & Bombs (+timeouts)
Posted 14th Jun 10, by HitmanN  
Player names
Other players' names are now displayed next to their ships. Still tweaking the positioning.

Second Special weapon, Bombs has been added. Bombs are launched from the back of the ship at low velocity, making them ideal for dropping on chasing enemies and when generally being above the opponents. The bombs are pretty weak however, just barely more powerful than the basic gun, but their greater size ensures better chances of hitting something. Can also be used rapidly and in large quantities.

Weapon Switching
Since there are now two special weapons, the special weapon can be switched at landing pads with the firing buttons (thus also disabling firing while landed).

Players whose position has not received an update for three seconds are marked with 'Disconnected?' text and made transparent. After roughly 15 seconds the player ship is removed completely. On the disconnected player's side they're dropped from the game after about 10 seconds of ping timeouts. Haven't tested this much in practice yet, but a weird ghost player from my earlier tests has been showing up in the game channel, since I never close it, so at least I was able to check that the ghost player disappears eventually. xP


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