The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. 'Snow RTS' - Christmas Compo

Project: 'Snow RTS' - Christmas Compo
Project Started: 26th October, 2010 Last Update: 4th November, 2010
Project Owner: Neuro Project Members:
Project Type: RTS Project Progress:

Much problem-solving
Posted 2nd Nov 10, by Neuro  
Alright, I underestimated the difficulty in implementing the Attack order. I've been tearing my hair out trying to get units to follow and throw snowballs at enemies when they're in range, but I think I have it to a fairly acceptable level. Acceptable probably wont cut it, though. However, I've been thinking that due to the nature of units requiring ammunition (i.e. a snowy tile) in order to attack for a prolonged period, a traditional chase-and-attack control might not even be necessary.

The way I'm thinking of having it is with most units able to attack while moving, and most of the player's controlling will be in positioning units where they have the best advantage. Directly attacking specific units would still be possible, but if a unit happens to move out of range then little or no effort would be made to pursue - if they did, this could lead pursuers to a vulnerable position, potentially frustrating!

The above would also make AI much easier, as it wouldn't have to go around designating specific targets, but rather find the best areas to send groups of units to either attack or defend, or moving units to snowy patches to reload.

That's basically all I've been doing today, but really once Attacking is truly sorted, development will start heading in more defining directions - aspects that will start to form the character of the game. Right now, it could be anything, and I intend to use the engine in some way for future projects! Maybe RTS games will become my specialty...

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