The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Killing Machine Movement

Project: Killing Machine: Movement
Project Started: 22nd February, 2010 Last Update: 20th June, 2023
Project Owner: Rocketron Project Members:
Project Type: Action platformer, semi-rpg, cyberpunk, ridiculous Project Progress:
More Info: Faves: 10

Movement is alive! Plus Feature Spotlight: Chat
Posted 21st Dec 10, by Rocketron  
That's right, even though this game is really overambitious and we haven't posted anything here in ages, production continues. There are 6 new levels since last posting, from mountains to sewers to nuclear missile silos to mansions. All of these levels are original and highly detailed, customised with minibosses, pianos, bookcases, enemies, snow, books, lasers, scenery, computer hacking, foliage, chef, NPCs, labradors, mutant fish, artwork, tanks, bridges, exploding bridges, rats, secrets, submarines, gullivers travels, leviticus, real computer programs, bouncy beds, bouncy diving boards... and thats not including the monologues. One piece of original music has also been written for this game so far.

In 'The Eastern Kingdom' industry is the main focus at the heart of the split government. As a result, the poorer or otherwise, neglected groups of citizens per capita are the unlucky few to feel the undesired, resulting side effects of said industry and productivity.
Take a trip to 'The Eastern Kingdom' sewers with Kador as you meet more of the mutated inhabitants of the world. Whilst most have grown diseased and deformed due to the nuclear fallout of the previous decades, these poor bastards have suffered hazardous living conditions with their pet dogs because they stay strong to their principles and do not wish to leave their homes.
But don't get too trigger happy with the sympathy. These mutants are MURDEROUS! Unethical and non-cognitive occurrences stir below the depths of the mind of madness in this dangerous, nightmare landscape of 'ACT 2.'

Our story begins in the wonderfully furnished Trinacria manor. We meet Kador. Our eyes. And his friend. The Sicilian. Here we land splash, in the deep end, from one of the installed pool side, bounce physics, diving boards into a drama plagued with treachery and ambiguity as not one of the many ruthless killers involved in this shuffle of dilemmas quite knows what is going on or what the other wants or is doing. Shit hits the ceiling fan and it all comes crashing down, so to speak. Interact with most parts of this house of evil. With secrets to be found along the way, the game's introduction promises hours worth of intrigue, longevity, discovery, replayability and fun!


One thing you might not expect from a single player game such as this one is online chat. But this has it! This will create an instant community of players once the game is released and people can share in the story at the same time!












Posted by Shiru 21st December, 2010

This is amazing . I like the Bridge Flame ! It's a good idea to put a chat . Good luck with your game !
Posted by s-m-r 21st December, 2010

The amount of effort put into this project must have been gigantic...

Best of success to you in completing it, Rocketron & Team!


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