Phew, this was one tiring to do update. It's also the biggest I've ever done in this game, so expect bugs. Here are the changes:
*Added a nice looking background to the game.
*Added a Mallet. You may now break blocks in the battle stage.
*Added Turrets. Turrets will shot arrows at the enemies on sight.
*Tweaked the Goblin AI a bit.
*Fixed a bug where the player's money was refunded each time the building stage began.
*Fixed a bug where the player was unable to kill the Spitter if he/she was too close from it.
*Changed the HUD to a nicer one.
*The player will now get a score for each monster killed. It is not completely implemented yet.
*Arrows are now smaller.
*Arrows now can pass through Glass.
*The player can scroll through items by using the Q and E keys.
and here is your download link.
Have fun playing/testing! And remeber, if you have any suggestions or if you have found any bug at all, PM me, send me an email @, or comment this devlog.
See ya.
Oh, and for 0.4a, I'll implement:
*a better game over screen.
*a proper score system.
*custom character's colors.
*and maybe I'll re-draw the skeleton's face.