No Survival Horror game should be without a inventory menu to store all your handy Weapons, items and maps.
The inventory menu has a category for every different item and function.
These are:
Options: (Takes you to the options menu)
Exit: (Simply click it to return to the game)
Quit: (a Yes and No boxes appear at the bottom right corner, clicking Yes will return you to the intro to the game, from there you can enter the main menu and select Quit to end the game.)
Just trying to get the whole "Pick up items so that it appears in you inventory" thing sorted.
Same with weapons.
I almost nearly forgot the Health System:
As the player takes damage he will loose health (Well DUH!) and his picture on the inventory labeled "Status" will change to fit his current health, his damage will be shown full body and will begin to look more sever depending on how much % of health he has left.
Here is what the picture would look like if he were to take damage:
100% - 76%:
75% - 51%:
50% - 26%:
25% - 6%:
5% - 1%:
If your asking why he starts to look a dark purplish over time.... weeeell i ain't saying until its finished.