Joshtek received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from LordHannu on 23rd February, 2021
Comment: "For keeping the site alive!"
MonadoBoy64 received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from LordHannu on 21st June, 2020
Comment: "Thanks for the good comments preciate it."
MonadoBoy64 received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from LordHannu on 21st June, 2020
Comment: "Thanks for the good comments preciate it."
Sketchy received a "Coding" trophy from LordHannu on 18th June, 2016
Comment: "Thanks"
Andreas Ahlm received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from LordHannu on 24th July, 2015
Comment: "great music indeed"
Rikus received a "Constructive" trophy from LordHannu on 16th February, 2015
Comment: "Fun to see something happening on the site."
nivram received a "Helping" trophy from LordHannu on 31st January, 2015
Comment: "Thanks for all the help."
s-m-r received a "Helping" trophy from LordHannu on 16th October, 2014
Comment: "Black-knight review"
AndyUK received a "Helping" trophy from LordHannu on 12th July, 2013
Comment: "Thanks for your help!"
Chaos680 received a "Constructive" trophy from LordHannu on 9th August, 2012
Comment: "Chaos_Fighter"