The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. The Adventures of Captain HeadWound!

The Adventures of Captain HeadWound!
Author: Link Submitted: 2nd August, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 557

You control a man, who wears red spandex, and has a big wooden plank in his head. As Captain HeadWound, you must go around doing... stuff...

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Posted by Jason Orme 2nd August, 2002

thanks, i will try to beat it
Posted by Derek Reaves 2nd August, 2002

how'd you get the tripod link to work?
Posted by Jason Orme 2nd August, 2002

Ok so i deafeated purple box head but I forgot the password for the next level :(
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

the password for the level after Purple Box Man, is: powaweels (POW POW POWAWEELS!)
Posted by gustav 2nd August, 2002

goddammit i cant beat the box level with all the chains. its impossible! >:0 whats the password for the level after that?? :3
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

Yes, this game is cleverly pumped full of subliminal messages, try to find them all. ^_^
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

BTW, after level 6, there are 2 goal posts, they both lead to different levels.
Posted by gustav 2nd August, 2002

well atleast the lobby isnt impossible :p
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

The Cargo Area isn't impossible, it's just Long-Ass ;)
Posted by gustav 2nd August, 2002

extremely long-ass ;p.. and with the crappy control i always end up falling down a hole. anyways now im fighting fun circle man! fun boss, heh :D
Posted by Jason Orme 2nd August, 2002

i carnt do the Cargo level either! Its the climbing the chains, its very anoying cuz you always fall! Please can i have teh next level password? How mnay levels are there?
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

There are 10 levels, not counting the alternate level 7. Level 8 password: nomorepie I'm not offering any more help after this.
Posted by Jason Orme 2nd August, 2002

I didnt need the pasword now, Cuz i went the lobby way :)
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

If you feel sudden urges to do stuff, you'll know.
Posted by Jason Orme 2nd August, 2002

fuzzyfox for the level after the funny smiley face guy or whatever!
Posted by matrixkitty 2nd August, 2002

purple box man was just hawaiian punch
Posted by Jason Orme 2nd August, 2002

lol, yeah its amusing, i still carnt do the level after "fussfox" password (is it level 9)
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

BTW, J-SOFT, I replied to your email.
Posted by T.U.G.A. 2nd August, 2002

7/10? J-soft ur high
Posted by Jason Orme 2nd August, 2002

*puts down the dope* Wha! Eh! Whaduyamuthfucerrr!
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

Did anyone actually get to the last level yet?
Posted by Jason Orme 2nd August, 2002

teh last boss is pratically impossible!
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

Its possible, I can do it almost every time.
Posted by Jason Orme 2nd August, 2002

ive been trying for ages now, and i just carnt do it :(
Posted by gustav 2nd August, 2002

inside-dog-stage is scary ;-;
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

Ah, so you did beat it. Cheers!
Posted by Jason Orme 2nd August, 2002

i didnt :( I carnt beat the last boss!
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

Which part are you stuck at? the first part, or the second part?
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

I have very vague plans for a sequel to this, if I dont get any Ideas for a new game soon, should I just go ahead and make CHW2? It depends on demand, I gotta know if it'll be worth the work.
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

Crappy but 3d? That kinda sounds like an oxy-moron.. I did think about improving the graphics a little, all the sprites would be 100% bigger, 3d platforms, CHW would be able to either A)Punch or B) Swing a cool new weapon, like a sword or something.
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

aahh.. nice. But I wouldn't be able to use it. It'd be hell trying to animate it.
Posted by Link 2nd August, 2002

It's that good? Wow, thanks!
Posted by Crono 3rd August, 2002

Don't think i wrote such a long article cause i hated ur game a lot, i made it long to get it on the review zone. Wasn't long enough tho :(
Posted by Jason Orme 3rd August, 2002

I made a cool captain wound head fighter! It has Kick, Punch and will have the power to hang bang his head and fling out teh wood and use it as a boomerang! Its not quitwe done yet, but I'm planning to make a game based on the original idea by Link. I still carnt beat the game though!
Posted by gustav 3rd August, 2002

and im sure you have actually asked link of permission to do this, right?
Posted by Link 3rd August, 2002

No he didn't, he only asked to do CHW sprites, he didn't actually ask me to use my Idea for another game.
Posted by Link 3rd August, 2002

Crono, if every single game on this planet was made a lot easier than they are, then what would the point be? You'd be able to whizz passed Super Mario Bros. 1 in less than 20 minutes. The Lost Vikings' puzzles would be obvious, easy to figure out, and half-assed, and it would only take you a week to get all 180 emblems in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. Maybe you're the only one who likes things handed to them, and can't handle the 'extreme hardness' that a game contains. (IMO the final boss was piss easy, I've thought about making it harder.) Games that are hard add to the value of having it. It brings a challenge to home players. You beat it anyway, and in less than a day, so it couldn't of been that hard 'that people want to kill themselves'.
Posted by Jason Orme 3rd August, 2002

Sory, i thought wheni e-mailed you i said that i was going to make a game based on your original idea, oh and by the way, the sprite is finished, if you like I will send it over, but if you dont want me to make a game I wont, it just seems a shame since i worked for hours on that sprite :(
Posted by Link 3rd August, 2002

you didn't say game, you said sprite. But sure, you can go ahead and make your game, just as long as you give me HUGE credits.
Posted by Jason Orme 3rd August, 2002

ive e-mailed you the sprite :) I sent it before you said this :p
Posted by Link 3rd August, 2002

Wow, those look kinda cool.
Posted by Jason Orme 3rd August, 2002

Posted by Link 3rd August, 2002

Ok, I've started on CHW 2, and so far it's looking pretty sweet. :)
Posted by Jason Orme 3rd August, 2002

I just need to do some baddies for mine.
Posted by Link 3rd August, 2002

Nah, I normally work on my games by myself. IMO it seems to be a little easier.
Posted by Crono 3rd August, 2002

Link, i mean its hella hard and the stuff thats are hard aren't fun at all, if the boss was more complex then bouncing around the screen and shooting balls it would be more fun, another reason its so hard is cause there are these platforms with blades on the side and it says you can jump on top of them but if u do it hurts you, and its really hard to jump the over the whole thing.
Posted by Crono 3rd August, 2002

The want to kill yourself thing was a joke like i said, read this artice, When your the one making the game the game is WAY easier for the creator then it is for other ppl.
Posted by Jon Robson 10th August, 2002

The games random :D
Posted by The Green Stranger 3rd September, 2002

Is this game fun? Like Sonic fan-games and Super Mario Bros.?
Posted by Link 21st December, 2002







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