The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Hell Creatures Rotten Corpse

Hell Creatures Rotten Corpse
Author: Stian B. Submitted: 7th September, 2002 Favourites:1
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 572

Edited By Stian B. on 3/21/2008

Version 1.22 !

Finally the full version of Hell Creatures Rotten Corpse is here!
A game i have worked on for a very long time,and im pround to be able to release it finally!

Welcome to the land of horror.The land of the undead...
You are Knight Richard who live in the land Serena.
The people are peaceful and live toghether in harmony.
Ruled by a beautiful princess.
But there is a thing they worry about... the myth of the Forgotten Castle of Terror.
Its only a myth they said,because they never seen it.
But one day the princess mysterious disappeard.Nobody knew where she was.
Then one day Knigh Richard got a letter from a king in the north,King Nortanir.
The letter said:
"I know where the princess is,she is in the Forgotten Castle of Terror.
Yes it exist.Trust me!
Go to the north east through the banished forest,
and follow the caves,seek the mountain for a secret passage,
then you almost there...
Be careful for the hell creatures...
Please find her...or we all soon doomed"

Simple history,but the quest is not far so simple...

This version includes:
* 8 stages(67 levels,more than 100.000 pixels long)
* 1 secret world "The Lost Path" !
* A secret area with boss!
* 12 bosses!
* 12 weapons!
* 50+ monsters!
* 10 Continues !
* Saving system !
* Level system !
* Password to each world !
* Full framed play area!
* Challenging levels!

Hope you enjoy this big platform game!

Ta da!

Stian B.

Review This Download

 (15,4mb )

This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (65)
Posted by Vladimir Tapu 7th September, 2002

Whoa, cool game.... how do I kill ghosts? Imphoted is hard, and It's Imhotep
Posted by SoftWarewolf 8th September, 2002

i did press all the keys on my keyboard exp i pressed about 500 i even pressed the windows buttons and the f keys and now i dicovered... the escape key dont work on my keyboard!! aaaahhh!! :(
Posted by Death Reaper X 8th September, 2002

It's one of those klik games that I wanna carry on playing :) Nice one Stian :) But yeah-is there a way to kill ghosts? Those flying (and exploding) bones are bloody annoying but that's just coz I'm crap at it :D
Posted by Death Reaper X 8th September, 2002

Ok just read the readme-green fireball. That'll teach me to read them in future! :)
Posted by The Chris Street 8th September, 2002

There was an article earlier I think about how dumb it is to submit a preview to a game, then a few days later to submit the actual game. This is one such game. At 10mb, I wont bother downloading it at the moment, maybe some other time :P
Posted by 8th September, 2002

This game kicks serious ass
Posted by ]Darkstar[ 8th September, 2002

Fuzz, didn't your mom ever say "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? That kind of criticism is useless, get a life, you have lost my respect.
Posted by MasterM 8th September, 2002

HOW THE HELL CAN I PLAY THIS GAME? in the intro i have to press space but what do i have to press when the knight papers? ESC will quit the program. (too bad) :-(
Posted by gustav 8th September, 2002

actually im really enjoying this game. there's tons of room for improvement though... and why the hell did you have to make the mountain stage so hard -o-?
Posted by Stian B. 8th September, 2002

Press ESC key to skip intro,until you get to the main menu.Dont press ESC at main menu=end game. Mountain level is the hardest world.Need some practice to manage it.But not impossible :) You did the 3 first worlds pretty fast...! Shooting system is not so easy to fix.Since the game was started on for some years ago.And i did not think of that then.But,sure,not impossible to fix.
Posted by Chrille Blomqvist 8th September, 2002

I like the game too, it's addictive. But the shooting system is crummy.
Posted by Jason Orme 8th September, 2002

I hope you like my Review :)
Posted by SoftWarewolf 8th September, 2002

u gotta finish the game first i gona play the whole game then have a large review ;)
Posted by Phillip 8th September, 2002

Its okay, Ive played better, I would give it a 6-10. :P
Posted by Phillip 8th September, 2002

Wow, these face thingies suck, The game is even better, :"
Posted by T.U.G.A. 8th September, 2002

Posted by Mark 8th September, 2002

Any chnace of a smaller dl version with cut down graphx?
Posted by HiredGun 8th September, 2002

That's like asking for a blunter knife to slit your wrists with.
Posted by Mark 8th September, 2002

Any chnace of a smaller dl version with cut down graphx?
Posted by Mark 8th September, 2002

Nice comparision, but it's not really is it?
Posted by gustav 8th September, 2002

in the mountain stage could you make the rocks that fall when you step on them appear again after a while? its kind of annoying when you fall off one and have no other alternative then to commit suicide. (if you think it wont be natural for a rock to appear again, a lot of games do it... so, please(?) ;p)
Posted by David Niemeyer 8th September, 2002

Hella good job! Really Hella Good Job.
Posted by Simdrone052 9th September, 2002

Hired Gun > hahahahahahahahahahah... DANG!! I'm at school, on a MAC, and this site looks SCREWED UP!!! The comment box is on the side bar under the GOTW, heh...
Posted by Jenswa 9th September, 2002

Sorry 10 mb is too for me, looks like a nice game too me, but unfortunately there are people like me with a 56K connection.
Posted by Stian B. 9th September, 2002

Nice with many good comments !:) I doubt i can make the game smaller.If i had more server space,i could spilt the game up. For now,the mountain stage is unchanged.Its only practising :) Many comments about shooting system,not good,so i did something about it. Get the little patch (570 KB) here : Nice with your support guys ! ;)
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 9th September, 2002

So why every time I try to download this nice looking game does it finish download at 40% and say it's a corrupted zip? No-one else has mentioned any download problems.
Posted by Stian B. 9th September, 2002

The new updated gamefile just uploaded.Think thats the reason. And another little patch(115 KB) fixing a little bug in world 5-1.
Posted by T.U.G.A. 9th September, 2002

Bettest game since ED, hands down, the best
Posted by T.U.G.A. 9th September, 2002

WHAT THE HELL? How do I put a password in? I got hella far, and now I cant continue?
Posted by Long John Kickbag 9th September, 2002

Go to password on the main menu (lol).
Posted by T.U.G.A. 9th September, 2002

rofl, now, how do I open chests?
Posted by Mindstorms 9th September, 2002

the name sounds a lot scarier...and a hell of a lot better backwards... esproc nettor serutaerc lleh! (no offense...but the names a bit too corny, even if its suposed to be that way)
Posted by gustav 9th September, 2002

yoda, you got to make the weapon you have hit them. try standing on top of them and press ctrl about three times. oh and... i beat the mountain! w00t!
Posted by Ashman 9th September, 2002

Circy I believe that was my recent article. Jeez, the oppinions here are so varied, I'm not sure whether to d/load it. I might.
Posted by T.U.G.A. 10th September, 2002

ohh, cause i hit the chest a few times, a part of it broke off but then nothing happened, Ill try that.
Posted by T.U.G.A. 10th September, 2002

ok I got everything settled now. Damn that green lizard monster in the second level, hes like IMPOSSIBLE to beat!
Posted by Stian B. 13th September, 2002

Use axes,or spear to kill the lizard.The next monster is far more difficult.Practise!
Posted by Metal Maiden 18th September, 2002

Dudes, this is a awesome game. The music and effects make it so cool. Who cares if it's 10 mb? Download it!
Posted by HaMSteRtAiL 12th October, 2002

Posted by HaMSteRtAiL 12th October, 2002

How do you make that password stuff? I mean, insert a textbar and make it REACT TO passwords? I dont know how to do that in the event editor, can u help me Stian? Yeah, sounds funny, i know :)
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 17th March, 2003

From Michael R: "You can't just be so stubborn about it.If you are, then you are being an idiot. whether you delete this or not, i am just going to keep on making them and making them. I have all the time in the world little mister and whether you complain or not there is nothing you can do about it." You make them, I'll delete them. It's unfair to give a game 0/10 because of differences you have with the author. You've made some valid points in your review about how it could be improved, but to give it that low a score is ridiculous. I look forward to tomorrow's episode.
Posted by AfterStar 28th March, 2003

Michael R. you are being an idiot yourself! Stian put a lot of effort to do this game! I know it has some bad points and few bugs but what about the good points the game has? It can't be that bad to give it a 0! Compared to many many games on DC,you will find that HC&RC is one of the BEST! It got original graphics that look nice and cool!Very good backgrounds and sound effects that fit in the game!A big variety of different monsters,Unique cool bosses,each with its own behaviour and way to kill! Addictive game that makes you wanna play it again and again until you manage your way to the end! Looking forward to an expansion Stian!
Posted by Shoeman56 2nd April, 2003

Hey THe Music is METALLICA!! Yeah that's way cool!! but it's MIDI's of Ride the Lightning! I know it!
Posted by Michael R. 24th April, 2003

I reckon this game is bad! I know the reviews before were cruddy, but now i've made a great review and it was accepted, so AfterStar, I hope you keep your mouth shut because this is none of your business anyway, unless you read the review yourself! And after you do read the review I advise you keep your mouth shut! You are being the idiot by complaining to someone for a problem which is not yours!
Posted by The Chris Street 21st July, 2003

Hey keep it down here fellas, I'm trying to sleep. People are entitled to their opinions, but Stian put a hell of a lot of effort into this game. Thats got to count for something.
Posted by Blargh 19th October, 2003

1. Rogusz is not an idiot! 2. He's entitled to his opinion 3. The review is "OK" 4. He may ahve gone a little too far with it but so did you stian 5. it's over now, get over it! 6. I don't think Rogusz gave you a "0" for the differences with the author, he really said to me that this is a bad game and meant it. Maybe he just doesn't like these types of games at all. I sure don't! 7. Stian leave me alone! I am not Michael Rogusz, u r complaining to me and saying that my games are stupid b4 even playing the game. I can tell because you complained and said Fizzle was horrible when the download counter was on "0" One of the admins deleted it because they realised u were being a jackanini! I think u r the one who votes unfairly because of differences with the author! And i mean, I don't even know you, if you want to complain to anyone, complain to Rogusz!!!
Posted by deano151991 3rd August, 2004

It is still bad... you games haven't been too pleasing... read my comments on HCRCN and follow them.
Posted by Stian B. 7th April, 2005

Read your comments,and join the dark army...yab yab...haha :D
Posted by Liquixcat 28th July, 2005

good game
Posted by Midnight 25th July, 2006

yes, most awesome game on TDC






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