Everlife (Demo)
Author: | Muggus
Submitted: | 24th September, 2002
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Action
| Downloads: | 335
Rated: |
This is a demo of another old (classic? Maybe not! haha) of mine, Everlife. Basically it's part of a saga of games, and this is the 3rd in the saga.
The game follows the campain of the ODI (Ordotron Defence Intititive) to a far planet of Kunduu, where the UTA(Universal Terrorist Association) are planning to take over in with an alliance with some of the local evil there. An elite crew of the ODI's best are sent out...the Silencers...and it's their job to take out their presense on the planet...or so the story goes...I did write it like 5 years ago, so you can't blame it for being stupid.
You play a rookie Silencer on his first big campain, and you have 5 missions to complete in this mission.
The game has plenty of funny monsters, weapons and items to keep you going until you finish.
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http://www.geocities.com/muggus69/EverlifeDemo.zip (2017Kb ) Please Note: The server this files is hosted on does not allow direct linking, if you are having trouble downloading this file, right-click the URL and select Save Target As.
MuggusPossibly Insane
Registered 31/07/2002
Points 2958
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