The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Drive 'Em Up ::. Taxi man demo

Taxi man demo
Author: Kamandwoi kreations Submitted: 21st November, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Drive 'Em Up Downloads: 430

Edited By Kamamdowi Kreations on 11/23/2002

Edited By Kamamdowi Kreations on 11/22/2002

Taxi man, as a top view car, game. u must race to pick up a customer. then race to the drop off point dodgin cars, people. and watching the fuel..

there is bugs. but its a demo...

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Posted by Shen 23rd November, 2002

Asking about images, awating reply
Posted by Kamandwoi kreations 23rd November, 2002

images no-more.
Posted by Official Idiot 23rd November, 2002

where did you get the sprites? custom?
Posted by OOOPPPs 24th November, 2002

the game isnt very good and the gfx look like its from the cnc libs... and the menu sux, y not just have buttons for start, practice and exit???
Posted by royal knight software 24th November, 2002

this sounds like the Sega game Crazy Taxi
Posted by Kamandwoi kreations 24th November, 2002

Posted by Gongashplei 26th November, 2002

Graphics buddy, graphics.
Posted by Kamandwoi kreations 26th November, 2002

hey, leave me alone.. im new to this. i have been a game maker dude, for 2 weeks
Posted by Smeggy 30th January, 2003

yeah leave him alone..............Good m8 keep it up
Posted by Weston L 17th March, 2003

wow great game if you've only been making for 2 weeks
Posted by Raizer 7th August, 2003

The game is okay, although I don't understand why the car on the top right appears out of no where, and drives off the road.
Posted by Zane 20th October, 2003

I quite liked that. If you know how, make it so the car slows down when you take your finger of the accaeleator.
Posted by Ikoone Madsen 4th May, 2004

Hmmm... seems like its not available for downloading anymore. Something I've missed?






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