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R0ll 54 Eater
Author: ElectricPro Submitted: 15th January, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 233

R0ll 54 Eater
Version 1.0
Copyright © 2003 ElectricPro All Rights Reserved.
"R0lling and Eating"
R0ll 54 Eater is a game where your a good ball, and you must collect coins and stuff in the mazes. There are bad balls too though, so watch out.

-Design & what to do.
You have to "be the ball" and work your way through the 7 levels, which do get harder as you go. You eat the "coins" also known as "stars" to get points. The bad ball is a small ball with "spikes" on it. Dont touch the bad ball, or you will die. Once you die you must start the whole game over. Thats bout all you do, but try it, you may like it. (Please Note: There will be a R0ll 54 Eater 2 also)

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Posted by Yuhkaz 15th January, 2003

Can't you make it more exciting so it's more challenging to play? This may greatly bore some people. And this would go in the puzzle section, not misc.
Posted by bigdave 16th January, 2003

that's just poor and stop making installers, all you need to do is put the .gam and .exe files in a .zip file. there, easy!
Posted by ElectricPro 18th January, 2003

Posted by Silveraura 18th January, 2003

For your infomation Mr. DavSter or what ever you call yourself! Installers are probly better then just putting it in zips because first of all. ZIPS GET CURUPED EASYER! Second of all, installers can be programed to send files in the right places, zips just open them up & sit them in a little window infrount of you. Second of all, WHY IS IT ANY OF YOU BUSINESS WHAT HE USES TO PUT HIS GAMES ON THE NET! The comment boxes are here for people to comment a game, NOT THE WAY THE GAME IS COMPRESED!
Posted by Silveraura 18th January, 2003

For your infomation Mr. DavSter or what ever you call yourself%21 Installers are probly better then just putting it in zips because first of all. ZIPS GET CURUPED EASYER%21 Second of all%2C installers can be programed to send files in the right places%2C zips just open them up %26 sit them in a little window infrount of you. Second of all%2C WHY IS IT ANY OF YOU BUSINESS WHAT HE USES TO PUT HIS GAMES ON THE NET%21 The comment boxes are here for people to comment a game%2C NOT THE WAY THE GAME IS COMPRESED%21
Posted by Silveraura 18th January, 2003

Also, the game is prity good, because I know you did your best & thats all I ask for in a game, is to know the creator did there best. :-)
Posted by bigdave 19th January, 2003

for f*cks sake brandon! i'd rather extract the file to a location than have to go through the installation process for one shoddy game. There are other people that agree with me. secondly, is it any of your business what i say and comment to ElectricAmateur, you retard
Posted by Pete Nattress 19th January, 2003

i agree with dave. i only want to install big games that i know are going to be good. smaller games are fine in a .zip file. they're easier to install and they don't put loads of shit on your hard drive, like DLLs you don't want, etc. brandon, the comments section is for COMMENTS about the game, including how it is compressed. if you buy something on ebay, you COMMENT on how the package arrives. same thing with games. lol... "ElectricAmatuer" is a bit harsh though. brandon, just because he's tried his best to make a game, it doesn't mean that it's good.
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 19th January, 2003

Reviewed!... but please don't be put off.
Posted by Silveraura 19th January, 2003

First of all, ElectricPRO NOT AMATEUR is a very good friend of mine & I am tired of seeing people riping on what his work & how he dose things, when he makes games he feels like he's acheving something & for you to put him down when he trys to add it the internet is just plain wrong, & second of all, god never made retards & for you to not know that you must be prity darn stupid! Plus the only dll he added in the installer to install is the one needed to play his game & thats cncs232.dll.
Posted by Silveraura 19th January, 2003

First of all%2C ElectricPRO NOT AMATEUR is a very good friend of mine %26 I am tired of seeing people riping on what his work %26 how he dose things%2C when he makes games he feels like he%27s acheving something %26 for you to put him down when he trys to add it the internet is just plain wrong%2C %26 second of all%2C god never made retards %26 for you to not know that you must be prity darn stupid%21%0D%0APlus the only dll he added in the installer to install is the one needed to play his game %26 thats cncs232.dll.
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 19th January, 2003

In case you're talking about my review, please don't take offense at it, I tried to make it funny rather than a "this game sucks" review. ElectricPro's first attempt shows potential, he understands the basics of game making. However, this game, while useful as an experiment in using Click products, is not worth downloading for the fun of it. I'd like to take the opportunity to encourage him to try again and NOT be put off. And I just realised that in my review I can't count (675 - 13 = 662). D'oh. Shows that I'm certainly no hero.
Posted by bigdave 20th January, 2003

jesus brandon, if you're on this site without cncs2.dll, you're pretty screwed. I find them in every game i download. I haven't said much about the actual game so stop going over the top just coz i said he should just put the .exe file in a .zip file. AND ELECTRICAMATEUR (i won't stop using that name), I DONT CARE IF ITS .EXE OR .GAM, THATS IRRELEVENT.
Posted by Silveraura 20th January, 2003

You know what "Dave" this is just a bunch of bull, the point is, is He dose his stuff the way he wants when it comes to comressing & you do your way & its not right to tell him to stop doing it. And you can't say thats not what you ment because its right there "that's just poor and stop making installers" So just lay off him & the way he compresses. Thats it (.)
Posted by Silveraura 20th January, 2003

You know what %22Dave%22 this is just a bunch of bull%2C the point is%2C is He dose his stuff the way he wants when it comes to comressing %26 you do your way %26 its not right to tell him to stop doing it. And you can%27t say thats not what you ment because its right there %22that%27s just poor and stop making installers%22%0D%0ASo just lay off him %26 the way he compresses. Thats it %28.%29
Posted by bigdave 21st January, 2003

"And you can't say thats not what you ment" well i dont think u can tell me what i can or can't say either, so- THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT, I MEANT IT AS A SORT OF SUGGESTION. just leave me alone, you bag of balls.





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