The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Tremor 4 Tournament Online Multiplayer BETA v0.9.7

Tremor 4 Tournament Online Multiplayer BETA v0.9.7
Author: Nighthawk Submitted: 16th February, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 686

Edited By Nighthawk on 2/16/2003

This the 2nd edition of Tremor Betas and many bugs have been fixed but I still am not ready to release the dedicated server with it. You can now switch teams after you die but in later versions, you score will reflect on your forums profile. That's right, people can view your kills, deaths, highscores on all Outburst Entertainment games in the forums!

I've included a handy MessageBot which, if left open and running, will notify you if anyone has joined the game room as some users have said there aren't many people playing. This solves having to wait for more people to join. You can send chat messages to other message bots as well as to the people in game.

Please post in our forums about what you think about this game because the forums are connected to the game, and I want to test out the new system!

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   (4.85mb )

Posted by MattB 16th February, 2003

Sweet, man.
Posted by MattB 16th February, 2003

Oh, yeah, and how about updating the new version box on the main menu for v0.92 build 15? Very attractive screenies, mucho bloodage, quite nice.
Posted by Jirru (Fake "0" Productions) 16th February, 2003

Very nice! I like it! How did you do that anyway? I mean the multiplayer thing.
Posted by Jirru (Fake "0" Productions) 16th February, 2003

Very nice! I like it! How did you do that anyway? I mean the multiplayer thing.
Posted by Nighthawk 16th February, 2003

hmmm the version box should be fine be sure you overwrited all files this is a very different version from the previous one, so clean install
Posted by The New SnS 16th February, 2003

ummm, there are a few problems with this game. 1: THE ADVERTISEMENT IN THE BEGGINNING! GET RID OF IT! I have to wait 45 seconds before I can play the stinkin' game. That really cuts down on # of players because they don't want to have to wait for the thing. 2: You should be able to turn-off the blood. Even though I play Half-Life and am used to the whole blood thing, yours is just too much for a 2D game. 3: Too much lag when scrolling! Try and fix that if possible, I dunno if that's just because your trying to show too much at the same time, or if its lag from the server. GOOD THINGS ABOUT IT: 1: Great graphics! They are soooo much better than anything I could have done myself. 2: Wonderful multiplayer engine! Works just like the WON network, how did you ever do it? I know my opinion might not be fair because I only played it for a small amount of time but still... GET RID OF ADS!!! THEIR EVIL!!! :( Anywho, maybe once I play it with some actual people I'll get to know it better. Then I'll write a full review.
Posted by Nighthawk 16th February, 2003

Try downloading the 16-bit version to speed up scrolling!
Posted by Nighthawk 16th February, 2003

I'm really sorry but the servers which Tremor reside on are expensive because they are dedicated to host the MOS. Had I gotten donations of $50+/month, maybe the ads could go but the whole budget thing of keeping everything smoothly running is kinda hard when this game has to be tested with all components. Sure you can't post your scores yet but within a few weeks, that'll change, the map editor, the dedicated server, and custom admin mods :) will be up!
Posted by Nighthawk 16th February, 2003

I've gotten rid of the ads :)
Posted by Rio 16th February, 2003

somtimes making a smaller window makes the scrolling lag go away. but its up to you if you want to sacrifice that
Posted by Kaine 17th February, 2003

can yo post the url to the 16 bit version?
Posted by ncsoftware 17th February, 2003

what a bloody mess.... ugh
Posted by Galaxy613 17th February, 2003

The last beta I got on line and no one was playing :(
Posted by Nighthawk 17th February, 2003

the message bot should be run to show whos online
Posted by bigdave 17th February, 2003

this sucks!!!!
Posted by bigdave 17th February, 2003

ahhh. only joking. i just thought u didnt expect anyone to say that. Whats the difference between this and the other beta version?
Posted by Matt 17th February, 2003

man, those guys have a LOT of blood to spill. AWESOME GAME!!!!!
Posted by Spram 17th February, 2003

This may sound stupid, but... Is there a single player game?
Posted by MattB 17th February, 2003

It would be nice to have an option to turn shell casings off. Very nice effect, but I can see how it could lead to slowdown. Same with blood, though it's definitely more necessary to show if someone is taking damage, so maybe that would disappear after 5 seconds? Or do they become part of the background or something? And I still can't download the thing. :-) Well, I get it downloaded in 1/2 the time it should. Says it's 4.85 megs but is finished in about the time it usually takes a 2 meg file to dl, then when I try to install it, I get a message saying that CRC failed in either MessageBot.exe (one time I downloaded it) or some other file, I think news.jpg or .gif or something (the other time I downloaded it.) Now downloading again, have deleted all past Tremor files and registry entries... :-)
Posted by Nighthawk 17th February, 2003

The shells and blood are all backgrounds and have no effect on the speed of the game The download should work fine now that I fixed some server problems.
Posted by 17th February, 2003

This COULD be a funny game, but you can only kill people with the chainsaw. Bullets are only an illusion. Man please fix this.
Posted by Nighthawk 17th February, 2003

hmm i havent seen that bug yet
Posted by MattB 17th February, 2003

oh, i knew it! man, do i feel stupid now... yes, the bullet probelm is quite prominent, a number of people have expressed concern about it in-game. maybe they're just having trouble hitting ME, though, with my old 56k modem... :-) i posted a few other bugs i've noticed on the oe3d forums. please read.
Posted by ZeroTau 17th February, 2003

What makes an opponent twitch like hell?
Posted by Broomie 17th February, 2003

I can't play this... I need another version or something and then it exits out. I goto the main site to look for it and I can't find it. :(
Posted by Nighthawk 17th February, 2003

The latest version should be on the front page where it says 'Tremor (32-bit)' There is not singleplayer planned and I'm planning on optimizing the game for 56kers.
Posted by MattB 17th February, 2003

bravo! long live godawful connection speeds! i hang around these tremor topics way too much. can i be your first official fanboy?
Posted by DeadmanDines 18th February, 2003

How did you get the smooth font? Sorry, it's just little things like that that interest me. I only wonder because unless WinXP softens the fonts of the string object, I don't see how you could have made them work on a transparent background. Please explain.
Posted by Alfred Smith 18th February, 2003

what click product did you make this with?
Posted by Alfred Smith 18th February, 2003

what click product did you make this with?
Posted by DeadmanDines 18th February, 2003

LOL!! Everyone knows that 'Antialiasing' in MMF is ugly, buggy and useless. What's more, it doesn't antialias text in the way the text in the pics show. As far as I know, MMF antialiasing softens the pixels OUTSIDE of the sprite. True antialiasing (as shown on that text) is internal as well as external - I'm 99.9% certain that ain't Ink Effect antialiasing.
Posted by DeadmanDines 18th February, 2003

Ok, ok, I'm trying to figure this out without downloading the game (at 4mb, it'd kinda kill my poorly and aged 56k, and I dislike internet games anyway). Did you use a multiline edit object with a transparent background? That's the only way I can find to emulate the effect so far, but it has nasty refresh bugs... (heh, I love a good challenge!)
Posted by Faithtoken 19th February, 2003

Ok, this game sux, cant make it work, i have downloaded it like 20 times!!!!!!!!!! Stupid....grrr....hate....hate...hate.....
Posted by DeadmanDines 19th February, 2003

(still can't get that antialiased text thing) (starts clucking like a chicken from incredible annoyance) .... heh... I'll, uhh... I'll get back to work then... heh... yeah...
Posted by Jirru (Fake "0" Productions) 19th February, 2003

Mine isn't running too well it doesn't show the servers or the room and I didn't even get to look indside the gameplay.
Posted by Jirru (Fake "0" Productions) 19th February, 2003

Tremor is good but there were no players in the game. I don't think they like this game
Posted by MattB 19th February, 2003

dude, it's a beta. people are usually not as attracted to betas as the real thing, especially if they've already played the previous beta for it. isac, i had the same problem. kept having an error during install. i eventually got it to work somehow when i just opened it from current loacation (translates, duh, to downloading to a temp folder). don't see how it would make a difference, but it somehow worked. probably just coincidence, but you might wanna try it.
Posted by Nighthawk 19th February, 2003

Its a string object, you cant have transparency in an edit object. Its just an alterable string thats being changed I'm planning to host an event at a specific time to get the most people in and smash the most bugs!
Posted by DeadmanDines 20th February, 2003

Aah, so it's an XP thing that softens the font. I'd considered the possibility, but since I have font smoothing on in Windows98 and that does do it, I guessed it would be highly unlikely. Yet another reason for me to upgrade to XP.
Posted by DeadmanDines 20th February, 2003

Posted by MattB 20th February, 2003

good, looking forward to the, um... party-ish thing
Posted by -Messiah- 26th June, 2003

Wow, look great!!! keep it up!
Posted by KaroKunn 14th April, 2005

download no work!
Posted by Sne 30th June, 2007

Someone has backup of that?





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