I did it with K&P all I did was think of a bunch of numbers and typed them out, hid them from the screen and when I went to Step-Through editor I would press 1 and it would ask me wat to do . I would tell it to put one of those numbers on the screen then I just kept on doing that ,but with different numbers like this. 1=824-72-8753 2=684-53-3522 and Q=John Doe W=Jane Doe and so on. I hope that helped maybe we can work together on something? :-P
well I don't think it will work does anyone know where I can upload files. If so I could put the file there. Right now I'm using MSN users but it sucks. I have AOL now but but there home page creator does'nt support uploads. HELP!!!:-P
I also have a new generator out it's called VISA Basnk Credit Card Generator or VBCCG it is very similar to ID changer only with a different i-face and instead of ID's it's CC numbers. I also have made a game called PIMP'LY BOB were you use black magic and have to put as many puss filled pimples on his face before time run's out. I cannot post these things unless someone tells me were I can upload the files to. :-)